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Mayor's Court.

--In this Court yesterday morning. Recorder James K. Caskie officiated, the Mayor having been called off on important business to the city and State. The docket embraced the following list of cases:

John Gallaher, a Yankee deserter, was charged with stealing furniture from Mrs. Mary Vanderlip. The accused was charged by Mrs. Vanderlip with having taken certain things from her house while she was undergoing a short confinement in the city jail, and obtaining, under false pretences, a trunk which she had left in the care of a female friend prior to her being sent to that institution. Gallaher stated in his defence that he had been living on intimate terms with the plaintiff for several months back, and considered himself entitled to dispose of the furniture in any manner he thought proper. He stated, also, that he had been persuaded by her to desert from his company, and her attachment to him was so strong that he could not shake her off. --There being a detective in the court room with a warrant for Gallaher's arrest, on the charge of desertion from our service, the Recorder deemed it best to deliver him into the hands of that officer, and indefinitely postpone the case of furniture stealing.

William H. Gentry, a mulatto fellow, who says he is a slave, was charged with giving information to the enemy and making his escape from Castle Thunder, at which place he was a prisoner. Gentry disclaims any disloyalty to the South, and says that while recently a prisoner among the Yankees he frequently declined all overtures of freedom. When first arrested and committed to the Castle, he was endeavoring to make his way into General Lee's lines to be returned to his owner. The South was his home, he said, and let what might be done to him be would never desert his colors. He was ordered to be carried back to Castle Thunder, where he will doubtless be punished for all his delinquencies.

Martha Henley, a free negroes, charged with stealing one thousand dollars worth of wearing apparel, the property of Miss Sally Richardson, was ordered to receive thirty-nine lashes.

Granville Mentelle was again brought up on the charge of stealing two horses--one the property of Henry Dibrell, and the other belonging to the Confederate States; but, in consideration of the absence of witnesses, the case was continued till the 5th proximo.

Tuesday next was set apart for a hearing of the case against Jim and Charles Harris, free negroes, charged with burglariously entering the house of Mrs. Hottaday and stealing flour, candles, tobacco sugar and lard.

Lewis, slave of W. Hudgins, charged with being drunk and disorderly in the street, was ordered to be whipped. The accused is attached to the army in the capacity of servant to his master, and when sentenced to be whipped made a pathetic appeal to be expensed for his conduct on the ground that he had just been paid off and felt a little exuberant over the prospect of visiting his family, who resided a short distance from the city. The Recorder, however, insisted upon his decision, and ordered Lewis to take his seat in the prisoners' box.

The following cases were disposed of by the Mayor at the cage, who ordered the parties to be whipped: Thomas, slave of the Confederate States, charged with stealing bacon and resisting the watch when arrested; Anderson Johnson, free negro, arrested with two bottles of whiskey in his possession, supposed to have been stolen; Randolph, slave of Howard Smith, disorderly in the street; and Robert, slave of Robert Lumpkin, for going at large.

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