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The War News.

From an official dispatch received at the War Department yesterday morning it appears that the Confederate force which threatened Washington on Tuesday last, recrossed the Potomac on the 14th, bringing off everything safely and in good order. The dispatch further states that our loss during the invasion of Maryland was slight.

The results of the expedition may be summed up as follows: A terrible fright of the Lincolnites, who for some days considered their capital in danger; and indeed the Washington Chronicle admit that there were periods between Saturday night and Monday morning when the rebels might have dashed into Washington and effected its capture, if not its occupation; the capture of a large number of cattle, horses, and a considerable amount of other property, the destruction of railroads and bridge's, and the withdrawals a portion of Grant's army from the front of Petersburg. The apprehension that the "raid" will be repeated will doubtless keep the Yankees in a constant state of anxiety, and cause them to keep two or three corps of their "veterans" at Washington for the protection of the capital.

We understand that our forces crossed the Potomac at White's Ford, a point a few miles below Leesburg, in Loudoun county. There was no pursuit, and the crossing was elected without difficulty.

The Federal force believed to have been in Washington was Hancock's Second and Wright's Sixth (formerly Sedgwick's) army corps, and Rickett's Fourth army corps from Louisiana. The two first named were detached from Grant's army. This probably constituted a force of from thirty to forty thousand men.

From Petersburg.

There was some picket firing along the lines on Sunday night, which at times became quite rapid, but nothing approaching a battle occurred. The enemy continues his pastime of throwing shell into the city but if we except the disfigurement of a few houses and annoyance of non combatants, he has accomplished nothing by this barbarous and uncivilized practice.

The report of the death of Grant seems to have originated as follows: A Yankee picket on the extreme right hailed our men and remarked, with an oath, "Well, I suppose you are satisfied, now you have killed Gen. Grant." On another part of the line a picket said there was good news for the rebels from a certain locality, but would not specify what it was. And at still another point a picket volunteered the information that Gen. Grant had been wounded in the arm by one of our mortar shells, and died from the effects of amputation. The statements of Yankee soldiers must be taken with many grains of allowance. We place but little confidence in them.

On Saturday night the citizens of Petersburg were startled by the reports of heavy guns, which were subsequently ascertained to have proceeded from the enemy's batteries. They did not damage.

Six Yankee prisoners, captured on the right of our lines on Sunday, were brought to Richmond last evening and duly quartered at the Libby.

Operations down the river.

We saw yesterday two officers of artillery stationed on the north side of James river; below Richmond. They knew nothing about the sinking of two Federal transports near Harrison's Landing on Saturday, and stated that the battalion of artillery reported to have performed this exploit was quietly resting in camp at the time.

We learned however, that our batteries on Saturday morning opened on the Federal gunboat Hunchback, and struck her three times, when she withdrew to the protection of the bluffs in the vicinity. The pontoon bridge and the Yankee camp, which were in full view, were then shelled, and, as it appears, with some effect. The Federal troops at the camp were seen double-clicking it to the shelter of their works, and, it is supposed, remained under arms all day, in the apprehension of an attack.

On Sunday night the C. S. gunboat Nansemond was opened upon by a shore battery commanding the obstructions at Trent's Reach. Several shots were fired without effect.

Our batteries opened on Sunday night upon the enemy's pontoon bridge and camp, killing a number of horses and causing a hasty skedaddling of Yankees generally.

Morgan's expedition to Kentucky.

We had an interview yesterday with a gentleman who accompanied Gen. Morgan's command on its recent expedition to Kentucky. The object of this movement, it appears, was to prevent a raid of the enemy, under Hobson, upon the salt works and lead mines in Southwestern Virginia, and proved a complete success. On the 7th of June Morgan's command engaged the enemy, seven hundred strong, at Pound Gap, and routed them, pursuing them twenty miles and causing them to destroy their stores. They next made a dash on Mount Sterling, and captured four hundred of the enemy and large supplies of military and medical stores. Three nights afterward they captured Lexington, where they succeeded in obtaining fifteen hundred horses, a sufficient number to mount the entire command and supply the places of broken down and jaded animals. Advancing then upon Cynthiana, the enemy took refuge in the houses, and a portion of the town was burnt. On the afternoon of the same day Gen. Hobson came up from Cincinnati with twelve hundred reinforcements. These men were surrounded, and surrendered without unnecessary delay. The next morning Morgan's command commenced the return to Virginia, and safely brought off the ambulance train with the wounded.

From papers found upon the Yankee General Hobson it was ascertained that he was about to advance upon the salt works and lead mines in Virginia, and it will thus be seen that Gen Morgan's expedition was a timely movement. He was to have a large force and twelve pieces of artillery.

While the above mentioned operations were in progress, detachments of troops were sent to the railroads, and succeeded in cutting them in five different places.

The whole number of prisoners captured was twenty-two hundred--numerically a Garger force than Morgan's whole command. They were paroled at different points in the State, so that they could not readily reorganize.

In less than three weeks this expedition marched seven hundred and fifty miles, performed an immense amount of work, and prevented the fullfilment of a design which, had it succeeded, could not have been otherwise than disastrous to Virginia, and indeed the whole Confederacy. With these results accomplished, it must be harsh judgment that would withhold from Gen. Morgan and his command the credit which is justly their due.

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