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The Burnside expedition — its Destination Solved.

Information received in official quarters yesterday dispels the doubts as to the probable point from which the great Burnside armada is to commence its operations against Richmond. On Wednesday ten gunboats and three transports ascended the Rappahannock river as far as Boulware's ferry, ten miles below Tappahannock, Essex county. They were accompanied by a machine known as the "devil," which was employed in fishing for torpedoes. At Boulware's ferry they landed some three hundred men, and are evidently making preparations for the landing of a considerable force. Information gathered from another source, deemed reliable, however, states that a large number of transports, filled with troops, were lying off the mouth of the river on Wednesday morning.

The distance from Tappahannock to Richmond is forty miles, and the distance from Boulware's ferry is not much greater.

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