From Northern Virginia.
It is reported that two regiments of Yankee cavalry, one white and one black, visited Winchester recently, capturing and carrying away Robert J. Conrad and Philip Williams, citizens, as hostages for two members of Pierpont's Government, recently captured in Morgan county. while in Winchester the white cavalry fired into the black cavalry, killing and wounding several of the latter.
A heavy rain has been falling here for the last twelve hours, and the roads are deep in mud.
It is reported that Seigel is concentrating, a large force in the Valley.
[Second DISPATcH.]
The people of Maryland voted on the 6th on the question of abolishing slavery. The Pope of Rome is seriously ill. Dispatches from Ringgold report the cavalry of the Louisiana army very much increased; also, that 900 rebel prisoners entered Chattanooga after a month's march. Dispatches from Memphis report that McCullough is en route to reinforce Forrest. congress has organized the Territory of Moritana, and incorporated the amendment allowing negroes to vote.
Grant left Washington Tuesday for the Army of the Potomac. General Sherman, from Cumberland, who is to command the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac, accompanied Grant.
Advices from St. Louis report the continued success of the Red River expedition. Seventeen guns were captured. Shreveport was expected to fall without opposition.
Buford, nephew of the Yankee Gen. Buford, entered our lines Friday last, bringing with him five horses. He is now at Gen. Wickham's headquarters.