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Life on the Frontier.

Persons residing in the interior can form a very inadequate conception of the trials to which those are subjected who live in the overrun districts. These trials, however, seem only to increase and intensify the patriotic ardor of the inhabitants of the border counties. We make the following extract from a private letter, written by a lady of Winchester. Va.:

"If you could be blindfolded and set down here you would not know the spot. Except a patched up enclosure around the houses, there is not a panel of fence left. My pretty flower garden has been trodden to pieces by Yankee horses — the olders coolly telling me they had no where else to pen them. But I do not complain. I am glad they do behave so towards our people. Every blow falls upon us as upon iron, driving us closer together and making us more capable of resistance Occasionally letters from friends who live where they only hear of the war, teach me, and read them with a feeling akin to that with which I used to read "Fairy Tales,"--everything seems so different from the stern, lawless, pitiless life around us. "We poor Catholics here never see anything connected with our faith, except the bare walls or the chapel, which the Yankees plundered and turned into a stable last winter. The crosses on the walls, and broken grave stones around, alone tell of its former use."

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