Free negroes on the border.
The free negroes are becoming a source of extreme vexation and trouble in the counties along the Virginia border. A correspondent from the Lower Valley, says that when the Yankees come into the towns, these negroes swarm on every corner, cage to impart information, or to guide the enemy to where they will find hay, corn, &c.--It is understood that the Yankees share their plundering with these negroes, and this with what they steal themselves, enable them to enjoy a negro's highest estimate of freedom — idleness. No sum can tempt them to work; the only approach to it is to go to the Yankee posts to get supplies, carry letters, &c, for the Union and pretended Southern people — for negroes are permitted to pass when no white man can go through the lines. A few week ago some negroes of this class were drafted by the Yankees in Clarks county, and these may be expected to return in time as guides to lead the enemy to the country-houses of wealthy farmers.Our correspondent suggests that it would be well for our men to visit that section, and bring off this portion of the population to work for our Government, instead of leaving them there to act as spies, guides and thieves.