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Gen. Grant.

The Yankees must have a military idol. It is a necessity of their warlike nature. Nothing short of a Napoleon will satisfy the cravings of their martial souls. Their inventive genius has long labored to produce a demigod, and successive disappointments have not chilled the ardor of their desire. At last they flatter themselves they have accomplished their object. The once frantic devotees of Scott and McClellan are now on their knees to Grant, and rivalling the priests of Beal in the vehemence and madness of their idolatry.

We have no disposition to underrate the military qualities of the new Yankee demigod. It was a maxim of Napoleon that an equilibrium of brains and courage was essential to the character of a great General — In point of intellect, McClellan is the first man of the Yankee army. In point of energy, Grant is probably equal to any of their officers. If the two men could be rolled into one, which is an achievement beyond the power of even Yankee ingenuity, a closer resemblance to a great General would be the result than the Yankees have yet produced in this war. But while McClellan has the brains, he had not the pluck; and while Grant may have the pluck, he has not McClellan's brains. The miserable failure of his late plan to overrun the Southwest by three columns, explodes forever his pretensions to great military genius. Whatever he has accomplished has been the result of overwhelming numbers and the weakness and imbecility of our own resistance. Did he ever defeat a Confederate army except by three to one? Did he ever meet one of the favorite Confederate Generals on any field, except Beauregard at Shiloh? and then he and it was not until Buell came that General

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