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Supplies for the poor.

--In a paragraph in the local department of this paper on yesterday credit was awarded to Mr. Lewis D. Crenshaw for supplies of breadstuffs to the poor at reduced prices. We are requested by Mr. Crenshaw to state that whatever has been done by him in this way has been equally shared by his partner, Mr. Haxall, the breadstuffs alluded to being supplied by the firm of Haxall & Crenshaw. While according to those through whose instrumentality the statement was made the kindest intentions, he regrets the publicly given to it, and feels that more credit is given in it than is deserved. Thus much at Mr. C.'s request. We will add, since the matter has appeared in the newspaper, that the liberality and timely charities of Haxall & Crenshaw entitle that firm to a prominent place amongst those who deserve to be held in grateful remembrance for their deeds during this trying period of war.

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