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The brain of Lord Byrn weighed sixty-three ounces, that of Thackeray fifty eight and a half.--Both were much above the average, which is forty-nine ounces for man and forty four for woman.

The name of the notorious Dr. Rossvally, formerly a Richmond detective, appears in a New Orleans paper as Surgeon of the at Florida cavalry — a negro regiment we suppose.

The Mayor of Augusta, Ga., gives notice through the newspapers that after the 1st of March he will give change for $10 and $20 notes to soldiers' families and the poor of that city

Wm. B. Hicks, the express agent at Columbia, S. C., was shot and killed on the 10th instant by Wm. Morris, of that city.

Robert Kerr was killed in Rockbridge county, Va., on the 1st inst., in an affray with Wm. Johnston.

Capt. Robert B. Thayer, the former commander of the well-known America, died at Columbia, S.C, a few days since.

McCormick's flour mill, in Rockbridge county, Va., was destroyed by fire on the 8th inst.

There was snow in Best Florida on the 19th ultimo.

Over $8,000,000 had been funded in Charleston, S. C., on Wednesday last.

A bond sell in Raleigh, N. C, at $15 to $20 a pair.

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