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--The following robberies have been reported since our last issue:

On Sunday morning Capt Pleasants, assisted by two of the night watch, arrested two white men, named James Kennedy and Thomas Smith, with two barrels of flour and two barrels of corn meal in their possession, which they had stolen from Frederick Schaffer, a baker, on Main, between 17th and 18th streets. Kennedy was the foreman in the bakery from which the articles were stolen. Together with Smith, he had borrowed a wagon, with the ostensible purpose of taking some baggage to the Central Depot; but, instead of using it for that purpose, drove up to the rear alley leading to Schaffer's bakery and took on the barrels of flour and meal, estimated to be worth over six hundred dollars.

About two o'clock yesterday morning two fellows, believed to be paroled Yankees, forced open the door to the residence of Susan Hill, a mulatto woman, living in the western suburbs of the city, and with a drawn pistol forced her to surrender to them a considerable amount of gold and silver, and all the jewelry which she possessed.--They were disguised with heavy browses and enormous moustaches and whiskers. The police have received some clue to the perpetrators of this daring robbery, and in all probability will succeed in making their arrest.

The room of Capt. T. L. Spencer was entered on Friday night, and one carpet--bag and contents, valued at $150, together with two pairs of shoes and one pair of boots, worth from two to three hundred dollars, were stolen therefrom. Having some reason to suspect Elvira, slave of Shelton S. Goode, as the thief, officers Morris and Chalkley arrested her on Saturday night last and lodged her in the lower station-house for safe-keeping.

A negro man named Dick, the property of Jane Gaines, was arrested on Saturday afternoon, charged with stealing several pounds of butter, valued at $80, from Mrs. Sarah A. Walfinn.

Capt. Pleasants arrested Saturday night a negro fellow belonging to John Bagnall, charged with stealing a large quantity of lard from his owner.

An attempt was made to break into the stall of Mr. Charles Bates, at the Second Market, on Saturday night last; but the thief, becoming frightened at some person passing along the street, took to his heels before effecting an entrance to the valuables which were fastened up. The instrument used in prizing open the stall was a large iron chisel, and so great was the force used that the instrument was broken in two, one part of which was left behind.

Joe, the property of Armistead Braxton, was detected in attempting to break into the house of Washington, slave of John Fisher, whereupon he was arrested and confined in the lower station- house. Another negro, named Corbin, who was assisting Joe in his burglarious enterprise, was also taken in custody on Saturday night and similarly disposed of.

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