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The capture of Yankees at Smithfield — further Particulars.

The troops engaged in the capture of a body of Yankees and the destruction of one of their gunboats at Smithfield, Va., on Monday, were three companies of the 31st N. C. cavalry, a party of the 7th cavalry, and Sturdivant's battery — the whole being under the command of Capt. N. A. Sturdivact, of Richmond. The enemy, after being attacked by a small party of Confederates, near Scott's factory, retreated. The Petersburg Express says:

‘ The enemy find to the wharf in Smithfield, pursued by our forces, which consisted of Sturdivant's battery of four guns, two companies of infantry from the 31st North Carolina regiment, and a company known as the 7th independent cavalry, the whole under the command of Capt. N. A. Sturdivant. The gunboat, which proved to be the Smith Briggs, had been turned back after starting for Cheery Grove, her officers having been informed no doubt, of the failure of the land expedition which had started to Cherry Grove.

’ The enemy numbered about 150 in all, and was made up of a portion of the New York 99th infantry, a part of the 35th New York cavalry, and a section of a Pennsylvania battery, numbering two guns.

Upon reaching Smithfield, Capt, Sturdivant sent in a white flag demanding the unconditional surrender of the enemy. Capt. Lee, of the 99th New York, who commanded the expedition, refused to surrender, but requested a personal interview with Capt. Sturdivant, this Capt. S. refused, and sent a message back, that he would wait five minutes for an answer, and if at the expiration of that time, he received none, he should open his guns upon them. The enemy were huddled together on the wharf, and scattered about the gunboat, and the first shot from Capt. Sturdivant's battery wounded several. The second shot passed through the smoke stack of the Briggs, which produced such consternation with the enemy that the white flag went up immediately, and the entire force surrendered, save Capt, Lee and five of his command, who cowardly and treacherously escaped in a small boat, after the display of the white flag.

Lieut. Harris, of the 99th New York, was badly wounded in the bowels, and it is thought will die. Lieut F. A. Rowe, of the same regiment, was also badly wounded. One man died of his wounds at Ivor yesterday, and several others are wounded.--One hundred and nine prisoners reached here yesterday afternoon, and went on to Richmond by the 4 P. M. train, guarded by fifty men of Major Batte's City Battalion.

The enemy threw their two pieces of artillery overboard at the wharf in Smithfield, and the boat was fired by our forces, and totally destroyed.--We understand that the prisoners confess that they were all engaged in the recent raid upon Brandon, and expected, as on that occasion, to meet with no opposition.

It was reported at Ivor, before the train left, that a large force was landing at Smithfield yesterday, with the hope, it is thought, of recapturing the prisoners who fell into our hands Monday. But they were several hours too late, as no time was lost by Capt. Sturdivant, after the surrender, in destroying the gunboat and securing the prisoners. Should it prove correct that the enemy landed at Smithfield yesterday, and they make any advance, the vandals will be likely to share the same late as their predecessors, as we have a force sufficient in that direction to secure any party which Butler, the beast, may send forward. We presume, however, that they will not advance far after the salutary lesson which was taught them Monday.

Among the prisoners who reached Petersburg yesterday was a tall, likely fellow named Hopkins, from Portsmouth, who was employed on the Briggs in the capacity of engineer. He was recognized by several Portsmouth gentlemen now residing in Petersburg, and appeared but little discomfited at being caught in such bad company. There was also a likely mulatto fellow, who claimed to be a servant to one of the officers, but it was generally believed that he was a lieutenant. There was, also, two small boys, about ten or twelve years of age, one of whom was recognized as a deserter from the 63d North Carolina regiment. Another prisoner was recognized by several of our citizens as a man who formerly commanded a coasting schooner engaged in the coal trade between Philadelphia and Petersburg.

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