Marriage in high life.
--From the Montreal Transcript, of the 24th ult., we learn of the marriage of Lord Abinger to a nieces of Gen. Magruder. The Transcript says:‘ Yesterday morning at half-past 3 o'clock Lieutenant Colonel Lord Abinger, F. Guards, was married at the cathedral, by his lordship, the Metropolitan, to Miss. Ellen Magruder, the lovely and accomplished daughter of Commodore Magruder, late of the United States Navy, and nieces of Major General Magruder, commanding Confederate forces in Texas. Among those present were the members of the Magruder family, the bride's sisters acting as bridesmaids: Lieutenant General Williams, K. C. B.; Major General and Lady Sarah Lindsay; Colonel Connolly, who acted as best man, and a number of officers of the Guards, comrades and friends of the bridegroom. The happy couple left town yesterday afternoon for Boston, where they will spend a few days.