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Confederate States Congress.

The Senate met yesterday at 11 o'clock A. M. and was opened with prayer by the Rev. J. V. Moore, of the Presbyterian Church.

Mr. Sporrow, of La., offered the following, which was unanimously agreed to:

Resolves That the thanks of Congress are tended to the gallant troops from the State of Louisiana the Army of Tennessee, who have with volunteered their services for the war.

the lofty and self sacrificing spirit examined by this noble act deserves, and will commendation and gratitude of every

thanks of Congress are equally due to the patriotic and self who, at the commencement of their services at the disposal of without condition or as to little. Mr. Baker, from the Committee on Claims, reported back the joint resolution for the of Capt. Walter Anderson, which was considered and passed.

On motion of Mr. Sparrow, the House bill to provide for preside for wounded and disabled soldiers seamen an to be called the Veteran Soldiers Home, was taken up and

On motion of Mr. Semmes, of La., the resolved its if into secret session.

The House was called to order at 11 o'clock the Speaker.

The Chair laid before the House a communication from the President, in response of the House, covering a of the Secretary of War, showing the condition of the question of exchange between the Confederate States the United States; which was withdrawn considered in secret session.

The House then took up for consideration the bill to allow commissioned officers of the army rations, and the privilege of purchasing clothing from the Quartermaster's which, after some disenssion, with amendments.

The following is a copy of the bill as it passed.

The Congress of the Confederate States of That from and after the passage commissioned officers of the armies States shall be entitled to quality and quality the same as allowed by law to privates, and shall draw the same under regulations as by the Secretary of War.

That all commission of the armies of the Confederate shall be allowed to purchase clothing, and for clothing from any quartermaster at the which the Government all expenses, That as quartermaster shall to self to any officer any clothing or which it would be proper to issue. until all entitled to receive the shall have been first supplied in this shall be so construed as to commissioned officers of the privilege they of purchasing subsistence stores from Commissary Department.

That this act shall continue in force only during the present

The unfinished bill, reported from the Military Committee, to increase the efficiently of the army by the employment of free negroes and slaves in certain capacities, was taken up

This bill, in its original form, contains three sections. The first provides for the conscription of all male free negroes resident the Confederate States, between the of eighteen and fifty years, to perform duties with the army, or in connection with the military defences of the country, in of work upon fortifications, or in work for the production or of materials of war, or in military hospitals, as the Secretary of War may but leaves it discretionary with the Secretary of War, with the approval of the President, to exempt such free negroes as the interests of the country may require should be exempted. --the Second section authorizes the Secretary of War to employ for duties similar to the first section, as many negro slaves, not to exceed 20,000, as, judgement, the wants of the service my require; the owners of such slaves to paid $41 per month for their use and service, and to be paid for him in case he is lost whist in such service. The third provides that if the Secretary of War unable to procure the services of any military department in sufficient for the necessities of the department upon the terms and conditions set in the preceding section, then he is authorized to impress as many male slaves not to exceed 20,000 as may be required from to time to discharge the duties indicated. An amendment was offered to this which provides that if the owner one male slave within the ages of 50 years, he shall not be impressed the with of said owner.]

The following additional section to the was adopted.

The impressment of slaves shall, as far as he made in counties or districts the of which are least available for the at the army, or remote from facilities for shall be apportioned; as nearly as among the owners according to numbers hands Provided. That no slave or plantation exclusively devoted of grain and provisions, not to each farm, shall be impressed the consent of the owner.

in this form the bill was passed after considerable discussion.

On motion, the House adjourned.

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