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Queen Victoria godmother for a "Colored" Baby.

--The Dublin Freeman of the 20th ult. has the following paragraph about British royalty:

‘ Our readers will probably remember the marriage at St. John's Church, Chatham, a short time since, of the young African Princess, Miss Bonetta Forbes, the prolege of the Queen, who was brought to this country by Captain Forbes, in her Majesty's ship Bonetta, from the coast of Africa, and educated by the Rev. J. Schon, chaplain of M. I. ville Hospital, Chatham, at the expense of her Majesty, who always took the most lively interest in her welfare, and occasionally had her at court.--On the occasion of the marriage of the young princess to J. Davis, Esq., a colored West India merchant, who has since settled on the Gold Coast, the Queen took the most lively interest in the event, and made Miss Forbes several handsome wedding presents, all of which were fully described at the time. Intelligence has now been received of a further mark of favor conferred on Mrs. Davis, who has just given birth so a daughter, to whom her Majesty stood godmother by proxy. At the same time the Queen has presented to her godchild a beautiful gold cup, with a salver, knife, fork and spoon, of the same metal, as a baptismal present. The cup and salver bear the following inscription:-- "To Victoria Davis, from her godmother, Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, 1863."

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