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Going to Nassau.

--General Whiting is determined that men running the blockade to Nassau will do so under "difficulties." As an instance of the precautions taken, the Petersburg Register gives the following fact. It occurred last week:

‘ The steamer Fanny was ready for sea; the cotton and tobacco were stored and steam up, when the Provost guard came aboard. The officers, passengers and crew were all called up and underwent a strict examination. They were detained on deck while a strict search was made below, and all possible places where a surreptitious passenger might conceal himself was closely investigated. All being found correct, away the Fanny steamed for the "open sea," but ere she reached the mouth of the river another party of soldiers boarded her for a parting look. This party was provided with a machine in the shape of a large syringe, filled with some chemical mixture known in that locality as the "sneezing compound."--This stuff was vigorously pumped into every possible and impossible place where a "Nassau, "runner could be concealed. Any man subjected to its influence in close quarters, must sneeze out or "bust his biler." It is described as a villainous compound of stink and tickle, which no person can sustain and live. All parts had been fumigated except the coat bunks. On examination, they were found closely packed with bags of coal, too close apparently for the admission of a cat, much less a man. But the "sneezing compound" was thrown in freely. After a while a slight motion was noticed, then a suppressed sneeze, quickly followed by a vigorous "Cot tam." in a few minutes four anything but jolly Dutchmen, black as negroes, half smothered, and sneezing with a 20 horse power, came forth from their coal-bunk births. They were escorted to shore, and what farther occurred we know not. At a later hour the Fanny also came back not liking the appearance of the blockading fleet at the entrance of the harbor. We presume she has left before this, but where the jolly Dutchmen are, or whether they have done sneezing yet, this deponent saith not.

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