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Stealing whiskey.

--A white man named Geo. W. Curtis was yesterday arraigned before His Honor on the charge of stealing $1,000 from Geo. K. Bunker, a few nights since. Both of these men are Yankee deserters, and have only been to the city a short time. Bunker made oath that Curtis had recently been in his employ as a bar keeper, but had left him, and on the night after his departure his window was forced open and the whiskey taken therefrom. A female witness was introduced, who testified that on Saturday or Sunday night last the accused camp to the house at which she is staying, on Exchange alley, and after being in there a short while remarked to her that Banker had been beaten out of a thousand dollars' worth of whiskey. When asked by the witness who had done it, he acknowledged that he did it himself. She afterwards sought Banker and informed him of what Curtis had told her. At the request of the prisoner, who desired time to summon witnesses in his favor, the Mayor adjourned over further examination till Friday morning.

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George W. Curtis (3)
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