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The New appropriation bill.

On Saturday last Mr. Jones, of Tennessee, reported from the Committee of Ways and Means a bill to make additional appropriations for the support of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1864, which was referred to the Committee of the Whole, and will perhaps be acted upon as soon as the pending bills in relation to the currency are disposed of. The bill recommends the appropriation of the following sums:

For the Legislative Department$308,505.00
Executive Department--compensation of the President, Vice President, and Private Secretaries, and contingent expenses32,350.00
Treasury Department--compensation of Secretary and subordinates, interest on the public debt, rent of buildings, and incidental and contingent expenses22,583,359.00
War Department--compensation of Secretary and subordinates, contingent expenses of Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, and other incidental expenses542,125.00
Quartermaster's Department.--For pay of the army235,434,820.00
For pay of officers, &c., required to collect the tax in kind12,213,204.00
For the transportation of troops and their baggage, of quartermasters' stores, subsistence, ordnance and ordnance stores, from place of purchase to troops in the field, purchase of horses, mules, wagons, and harness, purchase of lumber, nails, iron, and steel for store-houses, quarters for troops, and other repairs, hire of teamsters, laborers, &c70,630,446.00
For pay for horses of non-commissioned officers and privates killed in battle, under article No. 48, section 7, and for which provision is to be made100,000.00
To pay for property pressed into the service of the Confederate States, under appraisement, and said property having been either lost or applied to the service200,000.00
For the sustenance of prisoners of war, under act No. 181 section 1, and the hire of the necessary prisons, quarters, &c., for the safekeeping of the same, or so much thereof as may be necessary1,000,000.00
For the pay of the officers on duty in the officers of the Adjutant and Inspector General's Department, Quartermaster-General's, Medical, Engineer, Ordnance, and Subsistence Departments450,275.00
Commissary department--for the purchase of subsistence, stores and Commissary property57,988,000.00
Ordnance department--for the ordnance service in all its branches, and for the nitre and mining service32,500,000.00
Engineer department10,000,000.00
Medical department--pay of physicians employed by contract, purchase of medical and hospital supplies, establishment and support of military hospitals, and other expenses connected with the department16,826,000.00
Navy department--including the construction of iron-clad vessels in the Confederate States, the construction of four steam cruisers of the class of the Alabama and Florida in the Confederate States, and other expenses of the department.13,624,945.00

The other appropriations recommended in the bill are for the State Department, Department of Justice, and the Post-Office Department.

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