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Wanted — Negroes.

--The undersigned desire to hire for the present year the following hands:

600 able-bodied negro men, to be employed at our blast furnaces in the counties of Augusta, Rockbridge, and Botetourt.

200 under-ground and top hands for our coal mines in Goochland and Henrico counties, 17 miles from Richmond.

Together with a considerable number of farm hands, to be employed on the farms attached to the furnaces and coal pits.

Of the large number of slaves employed by us since these operations were commenced, not one has been lost by running away, to our knowledge.

Should parties prefer to hire negroes and receive pay in bar iron or nails, which, in view of the scarcity of those articles, may be important to planters and others, we are willing to hire on that basis.

J R Anderson & Co.
Tredegar Iron Works, Richmond, Jan. 1, 1863. ja 1--6t

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