Violating a Market Ordinance.
--J. A. Fulcher, who keeps a general produce and provision stall on 6th street, opposite to the Second Market, was arraigned on Saturday last for buying twenty six turkeys to sell again. Mr. Tyler, the Clerk of the Market, testified that learning Fulcher had bought the turkeys from a commission merchant, he deemed it a case requiring his attention, and had therefore seized upon-ten of them, all that there was left when he found it out. Fulcher did not deny buying the fowls, but plead entire innocence of any intention to violate the law. The turkeys had been sent to a commission merchant for sale, and he purchased them with the purpose of reselling them. With regard to the ten in the possession of Mr. Tyler, they were part of another lot — those which he had bought from the merchant having all been sold before that officer called on him. The Mayor announced that as the case at issue was one which differed from any other of the kind which had ever been brought before him, he should postpone his final decision till this morning, in the meantime ordering Mr. Tyler to hold on to the ten turkeys in his possession.