Suicide of a Cyprian.
--On Saturday morning last acting Coroner Sanxay was called on to view the body of Parmella Robertson, aged about 22 years, then lying dead in a miserable hovel in Rocketts, kept by a woman named Emily Mallory. The shanty is near Rocketts bridge, about twelve by fourteen feet in size, the front part used as a doggery and the rear occupied as a lodging room by the two creatures already named, and the notorious Mary Sullivan. The body laid on a pile of dirty rags, just as life bad left it, whilst the floor and all else around betokened filth, drunkenness and debauchery. The Coroner soon learned that the unfortunate woman before him had produced her own death by willfully taking laudanum, and be therefore deemed an inquest unnecessary. He, however, gave directions for the burial of the corpse, at public expense.