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Judge Lyons's Court.

--This Court was in session yesterday from eleven o'clock in the morning until a late hour in the afternoon, with an intermission of an hour from 3 to 4 o'clock. There were only two cases disposed of, as follows:

Wm. Hinchman, charged with feloniously assaulting Patrick H. Redford on the 23d of August, and stealing from his $80 in Confederate money, was put upon trial, and after a few hours time consumed in hearing testimony and argument from counsel, the case was referred to the jury, which brought in a verdict of guilty, and he was sentenced to the penitentiary for three years.

John Welsh was tried on the charge of feloniously stealing a horse, on the 14th day of June, 1863 valued at $200, from Chas. P. Word. This case consumed the whole time of the Court at its evening session, and at a few minutes to 7 o'clock the jury returned with a verdict of acquittal, when the prisoner was discharged from custody.

The Court will meet again this morning at 11 o'clock.

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