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Artillery Experiments.

--The Baltimore American, commenting upon the artillery fighting at Charleston, says:

‘ In connection with the operations now in progress at Charleston, it is interesting to know that a hollow shot weighing eighty pounds can be thrown from a 100-pound Parrott eight thousand four hundred and fifty-three yards, with a charge of No. 7 powder. With a charge of No. 5 powder the same shot can be thrown eight thousand eight hundred and forty-five yards. This is forty-five yards over five miles. By increasing the charge of powder the range can be considerably augmented. The elevation of the gun to attain this great range is so considerable as to materially reduce the number of firings the gun will bear; but the fact is well established that a 100 pounder can throw shot from our batteries into Charleston, and that our 200 pounders can do it with a great degree of certainly. So General Gillmore does actually command Charleston with his batteries, irrespective of his 300 pounder.

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