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From Alabama.

--As far as ascertained, only eight of the old members of the lower house of the Alabama Legislature have been re-elected. All the rest are new members, although some of them have served in past Legislatures.

The steamer Fanny, formerly the Fox, and the steamer Alabama have safely arrived at anchor in Mobile harbor, making a safe though dangerous trip from Nassau, touching at the Habana, and passing harmlessly under the "ineffectual fire" of the blockaders. The Alabama brings a very valuable cargo of drugs and medicines. The Fanny has dry goods, pine apples, limes, lemons, and some army stores.

The enemy is reported landing in force on Round Island, which he, doubtless, intends making his base of operations in his designs against Mobile. Round Island is one of a chain of low islands or sand banks, sparsely covered with a dwarfed growth of scrubby pines. It is about forty miles southwest of Mobile, and has tolerable fair anchorage for light draft vessels on its sea-face side.

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Nassau River (Florida, United States) (1)
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (1)
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