Financial and Commercial.
Bonds and Stocks.--Since the resumption of auction sales we are enabled to give fuller and; perhaps, more accurate quotations of the stock market. Messrs. Lancaster & Co. had a sale yesterday, at which Confederate bonds of the 100 million loan brought 101a108 and int; 1866 to 1881 do do, 15 million loan. registered, 133a135 and int; do do, coupon, 194a195; Va registered stock 175 (!) Va coupon bonds, interest paying, 285; Bank of the Common wealth 145a148; Bank of Richmond 109; Va and Tenn R R, 2d mortgage, 156 and int; do do, 3d mortgage, 131 and int; R and Y R R R bonds 130 and int; Va and Tenn R R stock 115; Va Cen stock 107; James River and Kanawha Canal Co. 20
Produce, Provisions, &c.--These prices are wholesale. Retail prices are fixed Recording to the of dealers. Bacon very scarce and advancing. we note hoground at $1.70 per lb. Butter has advanced and is in great demand; we quote at $3 per lb. Beans $12a15 per bushel. Cheese $1a1.75 per lb. Dried Fruit--Apples $10a14 per bushel; Peaches $16 per bushel. Eggs $1.50a1.75 per dozen. Hay — Old $9a10 per 100 lbs--very little in market. Lard $1.55a1.60 per lb. Irish Potatoes — New $15a18 per bushel. Corn $9a10 per bushel. Corn Meal $10a10.50 per bushel. Flour in demand at the following quotations: Superfine $31a32; Extra $33a34; Family $36a37; market bare, and will readily bring the quoted prices. Oats $6 per bushel, and scarce. Wheat — There is very little offering, but it may be quoted at $6.50a7 per bushel. The new crop is not yet in market, and we hear of no engagements made by farmers of their crops. Vinegar $3.50a4 per gallon.
Groceries.--Sugar has an advancing tendency. We quote Brown, by wholesale, at $1.70a1.80 per lb. Molasses has advanced to $12a12.50 per gal. Coffee $3.75a4 per lb. Rice — old, 20c; new, 30 Salt 40 per lb. Candles Summer Tallow, $3 per lb.
Tobacco.--Very little doing, and that mostly in the low grades. We quote: Inferior Lugs $12.50a15; good do $15a25;common Leaf $30a35; good do $35a50;fine Wrappers $65a70;fine bright Wrappers brought yesterday $150a300.
Liquors.--Whiskey $25a33; Apple Brandy $24a27; French Brandy $35a75, as to quality.