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Our army Correspondence.

Martinsburg, July 15th, 1863.
Before this reaches you, it will have been announced to your readers and the expectant public generally, that the Army of Northern Virginia is again on the South side of the Potomac. That a recrossing had been determined on has been apparent for a day or two past. The movement began last night, and early yesterday morning found all our wagon trains — the never failing avant couriers of the army — safely on the Virginia side. The army finished the passage of the river about 12 o'clock Tuesday night. Ewell's corps forded at the upper ford above Williamsport; the corps of Gens. Hill and Longstreet crossed on pontoon bridges about five miles below Williamsport, which has been built to replace those destroyed by the enemy's cavalry the week preceding at the same place. Just before the rear guard left the opposite bank an affair occurred which lost to the Confederacy one of its ablest and most gallant officers--General Pettigrew, of North Carolina. A body of the enemy's cavalry, hovering around our rear, and perceiving his brigade not in line, dashed boldly in among them, hoping to create a panic. Our men turned quickly upon them, scattering them like chaff before the wind, killing, wounding, and capturing nearly all. The prisoners passed through here to-day en route to Richmond.--Gen. Pettigrew received a mortal wound in the onset. His Adjutant General was also mortally wounded in the same affair, and died here this morning.

After withdrawing from our position at Gettysburg, almost simultaneously with the enemy. Gen. Lee formed line of battle, our right resting nearly at Hagerstown, our left on the river, near Williamsport. Our line extended about the distance of eight miles, and in this situation we remained two days and nights in line of battle, offering fight and awaiting the advance of the enemy, for which our men were eager, that they might encounter them on a field that furnished, in its topographical features, something of equality in position; but Meade, evidently too much crippled at Gettysburg, did not deem it prudent to risk his columns in a fight under such conditions, and so close on the heels of the other. His position was about one and a half miles in our front, which he was daily strengthening by, entrenchments, a fact which, of itself, speaks loudly in favor of the crippled condition of his army.

Now that it is patent to the enemy that the Confederate army has returned to the south side of the Potomac, there can be no impropriety in publishing it to your readers. But of our present movements it is imprudent to speak for the present, and I forbear. Save to the Commander in Chief and his Lieutenants, our destination and designs are really unknown. The whereabouts of the enemy is equally unknown. He has made no movement yet which tends to develop his designs; but as the goal of Yankee hopes in the West has fallen, it is a reasonable presumption that Richmond, or the annihilation of the army that defends it, will be the next object against which his resources and efforts will be concentrated. We may expect a vigorous prosecution of the summer campaign--"sharp" at least, and "decisive" perhaps, so far as these two opposing armies are concerned.

It is still too early to speculate as to the reasons that induced our return to the soil of Virginia. The "invasion" has not equalled the expectations in all respects of the army and the public; but it is certain that we are largely in the ascendant so far as additions to our stock of horses, &c., is concerned. It has been officially calculated that we brought away ten thousand excellent horses from Maryland and Pennsylvania. Besides we have relieved our commissariat by foraging a large army on the enemy's country for several weeks, and afforded time to our own farmers to harvest their crops of wheat and other cereals. Notwithstanding the Gettysburg affair must be viewed as a reverse, of which I will speak more particularly when I have gathered more details of that memorable affair. Gen. Lee was then at liberty to give or decline battle at his option, and was in that condition every day our feet pressed the enemy's soil.

Of the political complexion of this now historic town, about one-third of the population are Secessionists — true sons and daughters of the Old Dominion--"native and to the manner born." The activity they have displayed in our cause, regardless of the ultimate surging of the tide of war, which has several times exposed them to the tender mercies of the enemy, adds not a little to the regret with which we view the retrograde of our army. The beautiful women, particularly, have distinguished themselves by zeal in attention to our sick and wounded. They have taken them to their own houses, and contributed everything possible to their comfort. Why a greater proportion of the population of Martinsburg are "Union" will be readily understood from the fact that most of them hail originally from the land of wooden nutmegs, and are attaches of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, which runs through the town. A mutual amnesty seems to have been established by common consent between the Unionionists and Secessionists, hence there is little or none of the crimination and recrimination which might naturally be expected when the chances of war throw them within the lines of either armies.

Martinsburg is the home of the vivacious and celebrated Miss Belle Boyd, as obnoxious to the Yankees as she is enthusiastic in our cause. She has determined to brave the presence of the enemy, now liable to occupy Martinsburg at any day.

Gen. Paul J. Semmes, of Georgia, wounded at Gettysburg, died here, at the residence of Mr. Allen, Thursday night, and was consigned to the grave Sunday morning. He was struck by a missile in the thigh on Thursday of the battle, which severed the femoral artery. He immediately applied a tourniquet, and was taken to the hospital, but, at his earnest entreaty not to be left there, was conveyed to Martinsburg. His condition gave great hope of recovery to his friends until the following Wednesday night, when a change was manifest. He perceived it, and told his attendants he would not survive. He expressed great solicitude about his absent and interesting family, to whom he was intensely devoted, and directed that his sword and Testament be sent to his wife. He also expressed his resignation to his fate, and died as he had often expressed a wish to die — in the service of his country — It was intended to convey his remains to Columbus, Ga., his place of residence, and for this purpose a metallic case was procured with considerable difficulty; but rapid decomposition compelled a burial for the present in the cemetery here. Gen. Semmes was as true a knight as ever drew a sword, a true Christian, high-toned gentleman, and full of chivalry. Endowed with extraordinary talents and fondness for military life, and an ardent patriot, he was one of the first to enter the lists against the invading enemy, and from a Colonelcy soon rose to the rank of Brigadier-General.--Fearless of danger and a stranger to fear, he had often rendered himself conspicuous for gallantry on the most memorable battle-fields of this war. Had he lived, his services and abilities would in all probability been recognized by a Major-General's commission. By his death the Confederacy has sustained the loss of another of the true and tried soldiers and gallant officers who had clustered around the banner of our country.

Capt. F. W. Middleton, an excellent gentleman and efficient officer of the 17th Mississippi regiment, died in Winchester a few days since under most melancholy circumstances. --Wounded severely at Gettysburg, he was taken to the hospital at Winchester, and thence to a private house. The surgeon in attendance had prescribed some medicine, with directions for administering it; but by an unfortunate mistake Capt. M. took the wrong vial, which proved to contain poison, and before medical aid could reach him he was beyond the reach of the surgeon's skill.

I subjoin a few additional names of killed and wounded officers at Gettysburg; Col. Fry, 13th Ala, killed; Col. L. Pinckard, 14th Ala, badly wounded; Adj. J. E. Williamson, thigh broken; Col. Forney, 10th Ala, wounded; Col., Saunders, 11th Ala., wounded; Lt-Col. M. J. Bulger, 47th Ala., killed; Col. R. O. Whitehead, 16th Va., wounded; Maj. Owen, 9th Va., killed; Adj. Jenkins, 14th Va., killed Of the First Maryland Battalion, Col. Hubbard was wounded; Major Goldstorough, wounded; Capt. Murray, killed; and Lt. Wilson, wounded; Col. Wm. R. Terry, 24th Va., wounded; Maj. Hambrick, 24th Val., slightly wounded. The fate of Lt. Col. W. S. Luce, 18th Miss., is yet unknown; at the last volley from the enemy he was seen to fall and has been missing since. Among the missing of this regiment are Capt. R. Y. Brown, son of Senator Brown, and Capt. Sessions.

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Paul J. Semmes (2)
Pettigrew (2)
Dixie Lee (2)
R. Y. Brown (2)
Wilson (1)
J. E. Williamson (1)
R. O. Whitehead (1)
William R. Terry (1)
Sessions (1)
Saunders (1)
L. Pinckard (1)
Owen (1)
Murray (1)
F. W. Middleton (1)
Meade (1)
W. S. Luce (1)
Longstreet (1)
Jenkins (1)
Hubbard (1)
Hill (1)
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Ewell (1)
M. J. Bulger (1)
Belle Boyd (1)
Allen (1)
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