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Confederate victories in Louisiana--capture of 1,000 prisoners, &c.

Jackson, June 29th
--Official dispatches from Gen. Dick Taylor, dated Alexandria, La., 26th, say he stormed and carried at the point of the bayonet, with unloaded guns, the enemy's position at Berwick's Bay, capturing over 1,000 prisoners, 10 heavy guns, and a large amount of stores. Their loss in killed and wounded is not known. The same dispatch says their position at Thibodaux was also carried, by whom it is not stated, but it is supposed by Gen. Walker.

This gives us command of the Mississippi river above New Orleans, and enables us to cut off Banks's supplies. Lt. Wilson, with a volunteer company, captured Capt. Manners and his entire party of 53 man, after killing four who burned the train of cars at Brookhaven a few days since.

[second Dispatch]

Summit, June 29.
--The New Orleans True Della, of the 24th, contains a report of a fight at Lafouchie Crossing, La., on the 23d. The Federal force engaged was six regiments. --The Confederate force is not stated.

The Confederates charged and captured a Federal battery, but are reported as losing in the charge fifty-three killed, including Colonel Walker, of the 2d Texas, and sixteen prisoners. Col. W. was buried under a flag of truce. The Confederates retired, the Federal wanting cavalry for pursuit.

A gentleman from Pascagoula reports the 19th Connecticut regiment and two batteries from New Orleans captured. Our pickets are near Algiers, which is across the river, opposite New Orleans.

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