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House warming.

--Jeremiah Donahoe, an athletic man, with British protection papers in his pocket, was arraigned before the Mayor — yesterday to answer the charge of assaulting and beating Patrick Coll. The complainant testified that on Sunday morning last he called at Jerry's house, near Mayo's bridge, and found him and four or five other men engaged in playing cards and drinking. He took one or two drinks, by invitation, but did not participate in the game. In the course of the morning Jerry's watch was stolen, and Coll having had an opportunity of lifting it, and failing to deliver it to the owner when demanded, was struck two or three blows. Coll saw drinks paid for, one of the party paying $8. Other witnesses testified that the party met at the invitation of Jerry, who gave a house warming, and that the liquors were not paid for. The Mayor held the accused to bail to answer an indictment by the Grand Jury for keeping a disorderly house. He also held Coll to ball to appear before him to answer the charge of stealing the watch.

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Patrick Coll (4)
Mayo (1)
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