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New paper Mill.

--Our business community will be gratified to learn that our enterprising fellow-citizens, Messrs. Scotts & Harvey, have at length succeeded in purchasing the paper mill established in Fredericksburg a year or two since, and have already removed most of the machinery to Manchester, where they are at work erecting buildings preparatory to the manufacture of paper of every description. Associated with these gentlemen are our well and favorable known townsmen, Mr. C. Ogden, for some years the successful superintendent of the Belvidere Paper Mill, Mr. Samuel C. Robinson, and Mr John Water house, late Superintendent of the Crenshaw Wooden Mill, and a gentleman of great and industry. Mr. Ogden is a practical paper manufacturer, of large experience, and will, no doubt, by his industry, skill, and attention to business, make the new establishment profitable to the stockholders and beneficial to the community. Mr. John D. Harvey, the principal business man in the new concern, is so well known for his enterprise that, despite the difficulty of procuring labor and materials, we are quite sure the mill will be speedily put in operation, and the wants of the community thereby partially relieved. Success to the new enterprise.

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