From Mississippi.
a fight on Saturday--Bearing of Big Black bridge — Vicksburg closely besieged.
Mobile, May 21.
--The special reporter of the Advertiser and Register, at Jackson, sends the latest news from Vicksburg, down to Tuesday night.
In Saturday's fight we lost thirty pieces of artillery, which were spiked and abandoned.
On Sunday the Federal advanced to take the Big Black bridge, but were repulsed.--They crossed higher up, and took us in the rear, when the bridge was burned and the works abandoned. Loss heavy.
Vicksburg is closely besieged, the enemy closing in on every side.
General Loring has assumed command at Jackson.
[The above is all we have from this important point, upon which the public mind is now centered with so much anxiety. Up to a late hour last night this dispatch was without official confirmation, and we yet indulge the hope that our situation is not so painful as its contents would seem to indicate.]