Tuesday, April 14, 1863.
Specie and Bank Notes.--The premium for gold (selling rate) is $5. The amount offering is inconsiderable.
Sliver is nominally $4.75. The brokers will pay $4.50 for gold.
Bank notes are firmer.
We quote selling rate at 80 per cent, though some of the brokers continue to ask only 75 per cent, for Virginia notes.
Confederate Treasury notes issued prior to December 2d, 1862, are in demand at 2 per cent, premium.
Bonds and Stocks--In view of the auction sale to-morrow (Wednesday) we omit our usual list of quotations. Confederate bonds are firm, with an upward tendency. The new issue of eight per cents, which will cease on the 22d inst, are now sought after at 2@: per cent, premium. Bonds of the 100,000,000 Loan, long dates, may be quoted at $105@107, firm. The absorption of Treasury notes by the funding process is progressing favorably, and will counter act the tendency to a further depreciation of our currency arising from the heavy issues since the 1st of January last.
Product&c — Apples $36@50 per bbl. Butter, $3 @3.25 per lb. Bacon is not so firm, under more "liberal receipts we quote hoground $1.35@1.40; hams, $1.40@1.50. Beans, $40 per bushel, and in demand. Beeswax, $1.40 per lb. Corn has declined, the new impressment law having relieved farmers of their apprehensions, and supplies are now quite liberal; we note sales at $8.50 per bushel. Corn Meal, $10 per bushel. Candles, fallow, $2@3 lb. Dried Apples, $13@14. Dried Peaches, $18 per bushel. Eggs,$1.50 per dozen. Hay the market a quite bare, and sales have been made as high as $20@25 per cwt. Lard, $1.65@1.70 per lb. Peas,$20 per bushel. Gats, $6@6.50 per bushel. Potatoes, Irish, $10@12; Sweet, 10@12 per bushel.--Seeds, linothy, $7.57; Clover, 24@25. Wheat,$6@7 per bushel for red and white.
Tobacco--We renew quotations, with the remark that good qualities are firm, but common somewhat weaker; Inferior Lugs $18@22, good do, $15 @35; common Leaf, $5@3; good do, $10 @15; fine do, $30@60, fine Manufacturing $35 to $75, and an extra article still higher. The market for Manufactured Tobacco is considerably lower, and there is reason to believe that speculators are in a melancholy frames of mind. Sales are made at $1@1.20, according to quality. A very fine article will bring more.
Groceries have not materially changed since our last report. Sugars are more firm — Brown, $1.10@1.35. Molasses, $10@11 per gallon Coffee — Rio, $4@4.50, Java higher. Salt, 40@50c per lb.-- Rice, $25 @ per lb.
Auction Sale--At Kent, Price & C sale to-day the following prices were obtained; Brown Sugar $1.20@1.30; Molasses $10 @10.50; Rio Coffee $4.00@4.37; Tea $7.70@9.37, Butter $3.25; Cheese $1.25, Lard $1.50@1.75; Hams $1.25; Middling, $1.30, Shoulders 90c; Jowls $1; Hoground $1.27; I barrel Onions $83; Soap 65c; Tallow Candles $3.12; French Brandy $ @30; Whiskey $18.50@ per 21.25; Apple Brandy per 21.10@23 lb.