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Latest Northern news.

We have received a file of Northern papers, of the 21st and previous dates, and condense some further extracts from them:

Yankee account of the fight at Kelley's Ford.

The New York Times has two telegrams from Washington on the 18th, which says:

Gens. Averill and Pleasanton, with their troops and a battery, had a skirmish at Kelley's Ford yesterday. The rebels attempting to cross with infantry were repulsed, with some loss on both sides — Stuart and Fitzhugh Lee, with their command, were reported to be at Warrenton and White Plains on Monday. A dispatch from headquarters says a most brilliant cavacy fight occurred on the Rappahannock, at Kelley's Ford, on the 17th. Gen Averill forced a passage over the river in the face of a determined resistance by rebel sharpshooters, protected by houses, rifle pits, and a dry mill race, with an abattis in front. Only a Clare horseman could cross at a time, and the river was swollen and very rapid. Reaching the south side, our cavalry charges the rebels in their entrenchments, killing and capturing nearly the entire force, besides a large number of horses picketed near. Stuart and Fitzhugh Lee had hastened from Culpeper to prevent our passage, and made some dashing charges upon Averill command but were reported. We charged them, using sabres only in the conflict, and with fatal effect. Whatever the enemy made a sand they were routed, with great loss. After five hours fighting, hand to hand, the enemy fell back. About 2,000 men were engaged on each side.

The enemy at last took position in an entrenched battery, four miles from the ford, by rific pits and battle Gen. Averill having accomplished his object, and securing his prisoners, the wounded on both sides and a large number of horses, recrossed the river without attack or demonstration from the rebels who were too badly whipped to follow him. Major Breckinridge, a cousin of the traitor John C. Breckinridge, is among the prisoners. They say it is one of the ablest and most gallant cavalry fights of the war, and admit that their own troops were totally demoralized by the splendid sabre charge of our cavalry. About eighty prisoners have been brought in the enemy's wounded bear marks to prove that the sabre was the only weapon used on our side.

’ Another dispatch in the Herald of the 29th, dated headquarters, March 19th, says:

‘ Our casualties in the cavalry fight of the 17th will number less than forty. All the wounded were brought in camp except five, who were too severely hurt to be removed. The cavalry are in good spirits over the affair, which they claim to be the greatest hand to hand cavalry combat that ever took place on this continent, and only equalled by one fought in Europe. The enemy are not inclined to talk about it, and no sneers or insinuations come from their pickets.

’ The New York World of the 21st, dees not even allude to this continued cavalry raid upon truth.

The Philadelphia Enquirer has a special dispatch from Washington, which says that rebel prisoners report that six or eight of our gunboats passed Fort Sumter on Monday and Tuesday and that Charleston was being bombarded. This extraordinary statement of course needs confirmation.

A body of 400 rebels crossed the Cumberland on the 18th at Noweca, Ky., and it was reported that a large force was following. It is expected the rebel invasion of Kentucky has already begun.

Affairs in Poland are unchanged, although rumor prevailed that Russia would shortly issue an space reconstructing the kingdom of Poland as it existed in 1810, with the Grand Duke Constantine as Sovereign.

The London Times says "the Federal Government is utterly discredited." "The Union is resolving itself into the elements out of which it was originally constructed." "The great fabric which existed two years ago, exists no longer even in name."

A State dinner was given on the 18th to the Hayton Minister.

Col. Fry, of the Adjutant general's office, has been appointed Provost Marshal General of the United States.

Two hundred thousand dollars have been appropriated by the Legislature of New York to arm the militias of the State.

The Brooklyn bombarded Galveston on 24th February, and fired the town in three places. The forts responded and cut the rigging of the verse.

The result in New Hampshire is as follows: Eastman. (Pence Democrat) 32,793; Gilmore, (Republican.) 28,930; Harrison (War Democrat,) 4,483. Majority against Eastman, 624. Democratic gain 4,233. Republican loss 3,170. Marcy, (Dem.) is elected in the First, and Rolland and Paterson, (Cep.) in the Second and third disputers. The Republicans have 44 majority on joint ballot in the Legislature of New Hampshire. Last year it had 83.

A special correspondent of the Chicago Times, writing from Washington, says Lincoln is certainly to be impeached at the opening of the next session of Congress.

Chizens are arming to resist the arrest of deserter is in Noble county, Ohio.

The New York World thinks the Conscription act involves odium to point of its personal effects, and is questionable in point of constitutional legality.

The Herald, of the 26th, says the finances are in a very critical condition, and cannot be left as they are much longer.

As to Hooker's army, the Herald says nothing is to be gained by an advance when the elements as well as the enemy have to be conquered.

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