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A Governor of the right Stamp.

--The Governor of Texas, in his late message, says:

‘ I have had no desire to render myself conspicuous by disputing with the civil or military authorities of the Confederate Government on immaterial points; but, in every instance where there has been an apparent interference with the rights of the State, or an encroachment upon the functions of the Executive, and the attention of the proper officer has been drawn to it, the cause of complaint has been promptly removed. In military matters there should be one sole head. Under the Constitution and laws, I recognize. President Davis as that head; and while he conducts his administration in conformity to the Constitution and laws, he should be sustained and supported by the officers, State and Confederate, and by the people. Acting upon these views, I have thus far been enabled to work in harmony with the Confederate authorities. I have succeeded in inducing the Government to keep in the field within our State troops adequate to its defence. In finding the various and large requisitions for men made upon me, I have so managed as to furnish the requisite number with but a very trifling outlay on the part of the State, thereby preserving our credit, with may be yet needed for a more vigorous prosecution of the war.

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