One hundred Dollars reward.
--The above reward will be paid for the apprehension and securing, so that I get them of two negroes, Taylor and Rosa, who left my premises about the 1st of May, 1862, or $50 for either of them. Taylor is about 15 years old dark skin, very quick and sprightly, and I understand was with Capt. Mitchell, of the 11th Ga. reg't, last June and now supposed to be somewhere in Gen. Longstreet's corps, if not with that regiment, and passes by the name of "Free Bill." Rosa is 22 years old a likely mulatto, a scar on the cheek caused by a burnt believed to be harbored in this city. Information left with W. S. Phillips, 12th street, or Dr. P. W. Hancock, Main street, between 3d and 4th
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