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The cruise of the Florida.

--The Nassau correspondent of the Charleston Courier, under date February 9, gives the following account of the cruise of the Florida up to the day of her leaving that port:

‘ The Confederate war steamer Florida, Captain Maffitt, sailed into the harbor of Nassau, after obtaining permission of the authorities, to coal for twenty-four hours. It was a cheering sight — the Confederate stars and bars floating over Confederate cannon in a foreign port. Captain Maffitt and the officers of the Florida came ashore and were agreeably entertained by the resident Southerners and many of the citizens. The Florida left Mobile Bay on the 16th of January. She was chased by the whole Federal squadron off that port, but run away from it easily, and in twenty-four hours was out of sight of the fleetest of the enemy. Proceeding to the coast of Cuba, the Florida fell in with three Yankee vessels in quick succession. The brig Estelle, bound for Santa Cruz, Cuba, to Boston, had a valuable cargo, which, with the vessel was valued at $140,000. The captain and crew were taken off and the brig consigned to the flames.--The Florida subsequently captured the brig Windward, from Matanzas to Portland, Maine, and the brig Cora-Anne, from Philadelphia to Matanzas. They met the same fate. The crews of these vessels were landed on the shore in small boats, and, after these exploits, after a ten day's run, during which eleven Yankee war vessels were completely "bamboozled," and three Yankee merchantmen, valued with their cargoes at not less than $300,000, were destroyed, the Florida ran into Nassau. She remained exactly twenty-four hours, and then steamed away upon her mission of devastation. All on board were well and in fine spirits. Capt. Maffitt has commenced the cruise very prettily.

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