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Feeling in the Yankee army.

If the reports we obtain from the Yankees recently captured near Fredericksburg are correct, there must be a widespread feeling of dissatisfaction among the private soldiers in Burnside's army. All with whom we have had opportunities of conversing concur in the statement that they have very little hope of ever accomplishing the object for which they enlisted — viz: the restoration of the Union. This they regarded as possible at one time; but now they are satisfied that it can never be effected through subjugation. They all seem to be convinced that we have the material for protracting the war indefinitely, and frankly admit that they have no Generals equal to those commanding the armies of the Confederacy. A wounded prisoner yesterday stated to us that if left to the private soldiers, not one in a hundred would oppose the immediate recognition of the South, or that would not be willing to accept peace upon any terms. He says the war is continued through the agency and influence of speculators, who are willing to sacrifice the country for their individual benefit. If these prisoners tell the truth, we have good reason to conclude that the Yankee soldiers, if not the Yankee people, are heartily sick of the task in which they are engaged.

One of the prisoners who was brought here was told that he was in Richmond now, at any rate. -- ‘"Yes."’ said he, ‘"they have started me five times, and I'll be dead — if I haven't got here at last."’ Another thought if ‘"Little Mac"’ had been in command things wouldn't have turned out so badly.

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