$300 reward!
Left my dwelling, in Richmond, Sunday evening, Oct. 12th, my negro man, Geo. Yates, about 20 years old; yellow complexion; about 5 feet 8 to 10 inches high; a scar on his neck under his jaw, and has a cock or cross-eye.Also, two negro men left my farm, about two miles, out of town, about the same time of day. --One man, Morton, aged about 24 or 25 years; black; about 5 feet 10 inches high; no scars recollected;--and boy Dick; 18 years of age; about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, black, and had on when he left a deep-blue jacket, with brass buttons, and black glaze cap.
Morton is recently from Culpeper county, Va., and Dick I bought from Fauquier county, near Warrenton, Va., last January. George was raised by me in Richmond.
I have no doubt but all three are aiming to make their escape to the Yankees by way of Gordonsville and Culpeper. I will give $100 for each of them, delivered to me in Richmond or secured in jail so I can get them again.
oc 29--d20t,sw1t,w1t* Silas Omohundro.