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Late Northern News.

Through the politeness of Capt. Philip Cashmeyer we have been placed in possession of files of Northern papers up to and including the 8th inst. The steamer Vanderbilt was to sail on the 9th to catch the ‘"190"’ who, it was reported, had captured and burned the bark-Harriet Spaulding, of New York, on the 19th ult. The Falmouth correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer, writing on the 3d inst, gives the following:

News from the army before Fredericksburg.

The enemy still continue to work on their batteries with great avidity. From the banks of the Rappahannock, with a glass, one can distinctly see the color of their clothes, so near are they — Every morning new batteries disclose themselves to our view, mounted in many cases we should judge from appearance, with heavy guns, brought down from Richmond — very likely some of the Columbiads cast by them at the Tredegar Works, at the above city. In one battery fifteen guns can be distinctly seen in position, ready to throw iron hail at our troops if they attempt to cross at any point within their range.

Our troops, in the meantime, have not been idle, and are now ready to answer the rebels the minute they open the ball. All day long the curious soldiers, who are free from duty, are grouped together spying the rebel workmen and the movements of the citizens in Fredericksburg. One of the principal streets of Fredericksburg was the scene of great activity all day yesterday. Teams of all sizes and shapes were congregated in this street as though it was the headquarters of the commissary. Citizens with bags on their shoulders, as though they had been getting a little meal for the purpose of slaving off starvation, were seen by scores passing from a large building. This building seemed to be the centre of attraction of all; even the colored gentry passed in and out along with the whites.

Late yesterday afternoon a number of well dressed ladies passed up and down the streets as though they were promenading, yet it is apparent to all that the city is nearly deserted by all or a majority of its population. There appears to be an air of stillness across the river almost unbearable, if it were not for the passing and repassing of teams, and occasionally a mounted man with one of our army coats on. The mass of the horsemen that we perceive in the city have our regulation overcoat on, but the infantry, that occasionally pass on a cross- street, have the old, squalid, and filthy appearance, no characteristic of the rebel soldier.

The great mass of the residents of Fredericksburg are now encamped back of the city, out of range of our guns, as they suppose. Old blankets, counterpanes, sheets, etc, have been made up into tents; and in this glossy like camp the in habitants are like Micawber, waiting for something to turn up. It must be really hard on the women and children, as the weather, during the nights, is extremely cold and damp — the frost in the morning looking not unlike to show. How the belles of Fredericksburg (and the city has always been noted for the number and style of them) like camping out, in very easily guessed at. They are now paying for their treason, and if they escape from the diseases incidental to camp life, they will indeed be lucky.

The weather is beginning to tell on the hardy soldiers of the North --men who have been used to hardships and out-door life. If these men are affected by the weather, how must it tell on the fine ladies who have been rocked in the lap of luxury and ease. As the female portion of the inhabitants of Fredericksburg are the most violent secessionists, we have no pity for them; it is the poor children who are now obliged to suffer in common with the guilty wretches who are endeavoring to destroy one of the best Governments that ever existed.

In Falmouth there is considerable suffering among the poorer citizens, and, in fact, they are all very poor, except one or two. How they out an existence is an enigma to us all. As one passes through the town the squalid-looking men women, and children peer out of their houses with tenancesindicating want. The farmers, for miles around have no forage whatever for their horses and cattle, and many of them have no provisions for their families. There is a dark future in the prospect for them. Several that we have conversed with state that they would like to go into the State of Maryland and rent a farm until the war is over. They would make the attempt if it were not for the idea of leaving their dwellings; and once they desert their homes, it is all day with them. Straggling soldiers and teamsters make short work of unoccupied tenements.

Great complaint is still made by the soldiers relative to provide us and forage. Yesterday over two hundred wagons were all day at Belle Plains waring for forage, yet they were compelled to go back to their brigades and regiments without any, as there was none to be had. It is very evident there is a loose somewhere. From what I can learn there is little or no forage in Washington, and down here in the army, in some of the camps, there is not enough for a day ahead, while in others they have, perhaps, enough to last two days. The indications are that the horses and mules will be short of feed in a day or two, if hay and oats are not hurried up. The greatest drawback to our army since its organization has been the bad management of certain parties at Washington,--This fact has become so notorious that it is freely discussed by all grades in the army. It is time there was a change.

The reconnaissance up the river marched some twelve miles, and met no enemy whatever. They have returned to camp. Another expedition down the river yesterday, for business of a very important character, also was successful.

The weather this morning is cold, with some little rain, with the indications of a northeast storm.

There are twelve hundred teams coming with forage and provisions. We hope they will get here before the roads are again impassable. Our soldiers are badly off for anti-scurrilities, as the scurvy has made its appearances. This, with the neglect of paying the troops, has caused some bad feeling among the troops. They say their families are really in a suffering condition.

The end of the Yankee Generals.

The Philadelphia Inquirer, of the 8th inst., has the following summary of the fates of the different Yankee Generals.

Ever since the war began we have been subjected to one cause of trouble, one element of which few, if any were wise enough to prognosticate. Contentions among Generals, failures in carrying out plans and direct issues between commanders and the Government. They begun with McDowell's loss of Bull Run, and Johnston's sudden departure from Winchester, while facing Paterson's army. Since then they have been far more numerous than edifying. Fremont, twice relieved of important commands, is ones more en route for Washington, to ‘"try, try again."’ Stone, suddenly deposed, is imprisoned Benham, twice arrested for not having done what was expected of him on the battle-field, or doing too much, is deposed from his command and rank. McClellan is superceded by Halleck in the supreme command Pope expressly ordered from the West to show his quality in Virginia, is sent, after failure — from whatever cause — to the Northwest to war with the lavage.--Sherman is relieved at Port Royal, and Hunter his successor, returns as all suppose, because his views and the President's do not agree on an important war topic. At length McClellan is ordered to report as Trenton, that is, in the land of nowhere; Fitz John Porter is brought before a court-martial on grave charges; Griffin is also to be tried, it is said Bued's conduct is subjected to rigorous inquiry; Pope's letter to Halleck, meting Sigel of small account, awakens the German General's wrath, and he demands a Court of Inquiry.

Rumors have whispered that Burnside is to be superseded and implicate Gen. Meige. These, we may hope, are not trust, We shall make no individual comments; let us look at the general fact. What a To what are such troubles due? In part to the fact that when our army sprung into being, like a mysterious growth in a night. Generals were appointed who wore the uniform, but most of them needed education; they had no experience in the great of commanders; they were by no means equal to the task of at once harding great armies. allowance was to be made; too much should not have been expected them nor should these have been so much preliminary eulogy.

A now among traitors.

The traitors in Western Virginia don't see in to agree upon the manner their treachery is to be consummated. The following dispatch, dated Wheeling, Va, the 6th inst., is interesting:

The Senate today passed a preamble and resolution setting forth that United States Senator Carlile had violated the instructions of the body that elected him, in failing to sustain the legitimate efforts of the Government to suppress the insurrection, in opposing by his votes and speeches, both in and out of the United States Senate, measures which were absolutely necessary to the preservation of the Union and enforcement of the laws, and in opposing the admission of Western Virginia as a new State into the Union.--The resolution requested Mr. Caride to resign his seat in the United States Senate. It will come into the House on Monday, and pass by a large majority.

In the House to-day a resolution was offered requesting the U. S. House of Representatives to pass the new State bill now pending before it without alteration or amendment. It will come up on Monday and pass by nearly a unanimous vote.

The Governor's Most age, which was sent into the Legislature today, endorses the emancipation policy of the President.

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