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Increase of the military force in Canada
--a meeting in England.

--The Montreal Advertiser has the following significant paragraph:

‘ The military force in Canada is about to be increased by some batteries of artillery and a brigade of infantry. Large additions have been recently made to the stores of arms, ammunition, and material in military depots, which are now equal to equipage and maintaining in the field a force of 250,000 men, should the necessity arise for it during the season when navigations closed.

At a public meeting, held at Oldham, resolutions were offered calling on the Government to recognize the Confederate States. An amendment was offered, declaring such recognition impolitic, and likely to lead to war with the North. After some uproarious proceedings, the original motion was declared carried, although the meeting was about equally divided.

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Canada (Canada) (2)
United States (United States) (1)
Oldham (United Kingdom) (1)
Montreal (Canada) (1)

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