The Scare in Pennsylvania.
The fright caused by Stuart's cavalry raid in Pennsylvania, is one of the comic features of the war. The expectation expressed by a Philadelphia paper, that he would establish a Provisional Government at Harrisburg, unless the entire militia of the State succeeded in making prisoners his handful of horsemen, was extremely rich. The Philadelphia press has probably recovered its equanimity by this time, and discovered that the only thing ‘"Provisional"’ which Stuart desired of them was confined to forage and supplies. We can use by the alarm in Pennsylvania at a single cavalry raid, what would be the sensation of the Southern Confederacy should really invade them in good earnest! Perhaps at no distant day the South may return some of the courtesies of this kind which it has received at their hands. At all events, let us hope that the cavalry will be often over the border, and secure some of their fat cattle and solid citizens, as hostages for their treatment of political prisoners now in their hands.