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The latest from the North.

We have received, through the kindness of a friend, the New York Herald, of Tuesday, the 14th inst., Southwestern Missouri is announced as being clear of rebels. The State elections in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Iowa, were to be held on Thursday. The draft in New York is to take place on the 10th proximo. There are 15,000 men in camp in Massachusetts, and the Boston Post says that Gov. Andrews has announced his determination that not another soldier shall leave the State until he is satisfied that ‘"the right man is to be in command of the Union forces."’ Hon. Erastus Corning has been nominated for Congress by the Democrats of Albany, N. Y. The only intelligence relative to the battles in Kentucky is contained in the following dispatch, dated Washington, the 13th instant:

‘ It is understood that a dispatch from Gen. Boyle, dated at Louisville at 10 o'clock last night, reached here this morning, saying it was generally believed the rebel Generals, Bragg and Cheatham, were both killed in the engagement of Wednesday last, near Bardstown; that our loss in killed, wounded and missing, was between 1,500 and 2,000, while that of the enemy was much larger, and that we held the field that night, and skirmished with them in the retreat next morning.

When this dispatch left Louisville a courier was expected to arrive in the course of the night bringing details of the pursuit of the rebels, and of a battle which was probably fought yesterday.

Gen. Boyle expresses his belief in the truth of the account of the killing of the rebel Generals Bragg and Cheatham, in the action of Wednesday, than prevalent in Louisville.

The late tidings from the recent battle ground in Kentucky give intimations that the rebels are concentrating at Camp Dick Robinson, in that State.--This camp has been remarkable in the history of the rebellion, but more particularly with regard to the State of Kentucky. It is situated on Dick's river, about five miles from Danville, and is finely located and well watered.

’ The following is an extract from Buell's official report of the fight at Perryville:

The enemy was everywhere repulsed, but not without some momentary advantage on the left. --During the night my several corps were put in position to attack next morning at 6 o'clock. Some skirmishing occurred with the enemy's rear guard, but the main body has fallen back to Harrisburg.--I have no accurate report of our loss as yet, but it will probably be pretty heavy, including valuable officers. Gens. Jackson and Terrell, I regret to say, were among the killed.

(Signed) C. Buell, Maj.-Gen. com'g.

A dispatch from Louisville, October 11th, says, 17 Federal wagons and 550 soldiers were captured by Kirby Smith's command, near Frankfort, Ky., the day before. Nashville, it says, is surrounded by the rebels.

On the day of the inauguration of Dick Hawes, at Frankfort, Gen. Bragg, while dining at the same table with the Messrs. Preston, was interrupted by a messenger, and after refusal several times he consented to hear the messenger. Immediately thereupon Bragg, Hawes, and other, finished their dinner in the hotel kitchen, and skedaddled just in time to escape the Union forces.

The Herald contains an article in reply to one in the Tribune the day before, which throws much light on the view hold at the North of Buell's ‘"victory."’ It says.

In the leading article in yesterday's Tribune, entitled ‘"The War,"’ the Field Marshal of the negroes not only denies that Buell won any victory in Kentucky, the affair at Perryville being indecisive, but attributes complete success to Bragg in capturing Munfordsville, ‘"plundering the rich Blue Grass region to his heart's content,"’ and getting away from a force double his own, after falling on part of it with the whole of his army and handling it pretty roughly, and then retreating at his leisure, when reinforcements came up. Greeley ridicules ‘"our folks"’ because they ‘"raise a shout of victory,"’ and asks ‘"Where are its trophies? What arms, baggage, and prisoners have we taken? They tell us that Bragg's army is surrounded and cannot escape. We shall see."’ As if he were in the secret of the rebels, he intimates that it is probable Nashville will be taken by them, involving a Union loss scarcely less than that of Harper's Ferry. He says, though Buell was close on Bragg's flank he ‘"permitted him to take Munfordsville without interruption,"’ and, in fact, stopped three days on his march for the purpose of allowing him to do it. He winds up with this insulting and infamous conclusion: ‘"We do not know that Buell is either a fool or a traitor, but it is clear that Bragg acts on the presumption that he is one or the other. "’

Stuart's great raid — the Ineffectual efforts to cut him off — who is Responsible for the failure?

A dispatch from Frederick, Md., dated the 13th, announces the escape of Stuart's cavalry on their return from their Pennsylvania trip. The farmers report that the cavalry was composed of Virginians and South Carolinians, and that Gen. Wade Hampton accompanied Gen. Stuart. They not only seized all the horses they met with in Maryland, but swept their route through Pennsylvania of every one worth taking, besides any quantity of clothing and shoes. The failure to bag Stuart caused much mortification in the Federal army.--The dispatch says:

‘ The cavalry force under Gen. Pleasanton, which passed through this city at daylight on Sunday morning, reached the vicinity of Poolesville a short time before the main body of the rebels. Both men and horses had a very hard jaunt, the men having been in the saddle and on the road almost constantly from the time the fact of the rebels having crossed the river became known, consequently neither of them were in condition to render as efficient service as they otherwise might.

The rebels soon made their appearance, and posted one gun on a hill, so placed as to cover their passage. Our battery was placed in position, and an attempt made to silence this gun. The firing was kept up at intervals for about three hours, without, as far as is known, doing any damage to either side.

It is said that no attempt was made to fire upon the cavalry while they were crossing the river, which might easily have been done, neither was there any attempt made to charge upon them by our cavalry and repulse them. This can only be accounted for upon the supposition that the horses were too much exhausted to warrant such an attempt. Upon any other hypothesis the conduct of our cavalry would seem to have been most disgraceful to themselves and the service.

Persons who were present and saw the affair, state that the rebel gun was supported only by about twenty cavalrymen.

The crossing occupied some three or four hours, and from first to last met with no serious opposition. The rebels went on their way with their plunder, no doubt surprised as well as rejoicing at having escaped so easily. There was, in fact, nothing which could be called even a skirmish, and but for the artillery practice obtained, our troops might as well have been at Harper's Ferry.

Anecdotes and statements connected with the raid are numerous. Captain Alfred Schley, of the 5th Maryland regiment, who was at home at Liberty on a furlough, was aroused by the entrance of the troops into the town, and in going out and seeing soldiers dressed in United States uniform overcoats, took them for our own soldiers, and invited the officers to dismount and enter his house for refreshments, informing them of his name and rank. He was ordered to fall in as a prisoner, and taken away with them, and has not since been heard from. At Woodsboro' they entered and robbed three Secesh stores of their contents. They also seized about twenty of the citizens of the place, mostly young men, whom they took away with them. These had not returned at latest accounts. General Stuart and several others of the principal officers remained at Urbana until morning to rest and refresh themselves. They with one company took this route, the main body passing via Hiatisville.

At least twenty Pennsylvanians have been here to-day, having come with the expectation that the rebels would be captured here or hereabouts, and that they would only have to identify their horses and return home rejoicing. Of this number six not only had their horses stolen, but were carried off as prisoners. They were taken to Poolesville and kept in the rear under guard during the cannonading, until finally the guard was ordered away and they availed themselves of the opportunity to travel rapidly in the opposite direction. These modestly requested, as a partial compensation for their losses and sufferings, that Colonel Alien would allow them to take the seven horses captured yesterday, but he ‘"could not see it."’ One horse was identified and reclaimed by the owner.

All is quiet here and along the lines of the army to-day. Much mortification is felt at the successful escape of the rebels from the nets that were spread for them.

’ The following wild dispatches, though not as late as the one from Frederick, are worth reading, to show the panic produced by the rebel advent in Pennsylvania:

Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 13.--A dispatch, just received, says the rebels are at Cashtown, Adams county, and may attempt to pass by the Mountain road South; perhaps by the Shippensburg road, or maybe by the Greencastle road.

About sixty rebel cavalry are just reported by one of our officers to be in the neighborhood of Fayetteville, six miles East on the pike. They seem to have been scattered, and are evidently tresting

We are amply prepared for them, and every one appearing will be fired as at Col. Grant is here with two Fremont regiments and artillery.

The following is a special dispatch to the Philadelphia Inquirer:

‘ "Gov. Curtin has just received information, dated Perryville, Juniata county, from a 'reliable gentleman' of Perry county, that a rebel force of 30,000 men made their appearance within eight miles of Concord, Franklin county, last night at 12 o'clock, and carried off 1,500 horses."

’ The farmers of Franklin county are moving all their stock into Perry county. The rebels are supposed to be making for the Pennsylvania railroad.

Chambersburg, Oct. 13.--A messenger has just arrived at my camp, at Steven's Furnace, with the information that the rebel cavalry were at Cashtown, at the foot of South Mountain, in Adams county, this morning, in a considerable force. They have been driven back from the Potomac, and are trying to escape. Every effort is being made to cut them off here and at Mercersburg; but they have a man named Logan, from Franklin county, with them, and as he is a superior guide they may escape. All our citizens have arms, and will join the troops in cutting the rebels off.

The affair to be Investigated at Washington.

A dispatch from Washington evidences an intense mortification felt there at the successful escape of Stuart. It says:

‘ It is said that the failure to arrest the escape of J. E. B. Stuart and his bold rebel cavalry, in their dash through Pennsylvania to Maryland, is attributed to the division commander at Poolesville, to whom instructions had been sent by Gen. McClellan, stating that Stuart would probably retreat up on the line which he subsequently pursued, and suggested a disposition of the forces which would inevitably have cut off the passage across the Potomac. A strict investigation is now being conducted in reference to this matter, with the view of fixing the guilt and assigning punishment where it is merited. From the facts which are already made public, it is evident that Gen. McClellan took proper measures to prevent the return of Stuart to Virginia, and the fault must be with the subordinate officers, who failed to obey his orders or appreciate his suggestions.

The march of Stuart's cavalry from Chambersburg to the fords of the Potomac, near the month of the Monocracy creek, has no parallel for rapidity. Hence General McClellan's statement, that they would be intercepted, did not come to pass, although General Pleasanton, after nearly as rapid a march, was but two hours behind them.

There seems to have been some inertness of the troops that were sent to Frederick to oppose the southward course of Stuart. Surch's postal map shows that the distance from Chambersburg to the fords of the Potomac, by the roads taken by the rebels, is rising ninety miles, which was travelled in thirty six hours.

The following are some of the most remarkable cases of rapid marches on military record: Roman infantry marched frequently a distance of twenty miles in five hours, each soldier carrying from fifty to eighty pounds of baggage. Cæsar's legions marched 450 leagues in twenty- three days. In 1800 Macdonald marched forty miles in a single day, crossing rivers and climbing mountains. Canal, after most extraordinary efforts at the battle of Salamanca, retreated forty miles in twelve hours. In 1814 Napoleon marched his army, for the purpose of succoring Paris, seventy-five miles in thirty-six hours. Gen. Crawford, in Spain, marched three thousand men sixty-two miles in twenty-six hours. In 1803 Wellington's cavalry in India marched sixty miles in thirty-two hours. Before the battle of Turruckabad, in India, the English cavalry, under Lord Lake, are said to have marched seventy miles in twenty four hours.

The recent rebel raid into Pennsylvania and Maryland demonstrated the necessity for the Government keeping properly protected and in running order the line of railroad from Baltimore to the Ohio river. The damages accruing to the Government, independently of the loss of the loyal people who have suffered depredations, are infinitely greater than would be the cost of maintaining a force sufficient to guard for months the whole line of this road and prevent its obstruction. It is a subject of much regret here that its operations have been obstructed, and it is urged by the best friends of the Government that the road should at all hazards be kept open. The whole country north of the Potomac would be sufficiently protected by the maintenance and protection of this line of road, but it has been shown where it is allowed to be closed there has been nothing to prevent the entrance of rebel marauders into the loyal counties of Maryland. The public interest loudly demands that the road from Baltimore to Wheeling should be kept open and constantly in running order. The matter has been brought to the attention of the Government and will probably be acted upon when the army of General McClellan drives that of General Lee from its position in Eastern Virginia, and relieves that part of the country from the presence of a rebel force.

’ The Washington Star, of Tuesday evening, says:

‘ A man who arrived here this morning from near Conrad's Ferry states that he was in the presence of Gen. Stuart a few minutes before he crossed the river with his marauding force in retreat from Pennsylvania. Stuart informed him, in a sarcastic manner, he had fooled the whole party, but regretted he had not accomplished what was intended when he started, as he was expected to reach Frederick, Md., destroy the Government stores at that point, then destroy the bridge over the Monocracy river; but that all things taken into consideration, he had carried out his programme with much success. Stuart's men and horses looked extremely exhausted, but the former were in high glee, and from the looks of the clothing on their horses, and that which they had on their persons, and that which they had tied on their extra stolen horses, which numbered about 1,000, a change would be very acceptable, especially shoes and boots, of which they had a large quantity. General Stuart sent his compliments to a number of United States officers with whom he was acquainted in old times.

Great Democratic meeting in New York.

The New York Herald, of the 14th, has an account of a Democratic mass meeting there the night before, with the following caption:

‘ "The Unterrified in Council — Immense Gathering of the Democracy at the Cooper Institute--The Hall of the Union and the Surrounding Streets Crowded — The New Wide Awakes — Bonfires, Bengola Lights, Torches, Calcium Lights, Rockets and Roman Candles to Brighten the Path of the Union for the Democratic Masses — Speeches of Horace F. Clark, Horatio Seymour, John Van Buren, and Richard O'Gorman."

’ The meeting opened with the following incident:

Capt. Rynders read a note from Mr. Peter Cooper, requesting that the audience would abstain from spitting on the seats or carpet. ‘"Knowing you all,"’ said the Captain, ‘"to be gentlemen who are to be hung shortly, I thought I would make known the request."’

The following resolutions were then read and adopted as the resolutions of the meeting:

Resolved, That as we desire a vigorous prosecution of the present war, the conservative citizens of this city will continue cheerfully the support already given to it, by contributions of men and treasure; but we will at the same time insist on the fulfillment by the present Administration of the solemn pledge almost unanimously given by the Congress of the United States: ‘"That this war is not waged on their part in any spirit of oppression, or for any purpose of overthrowing or interfering with the rights and established institutions of the States, but to defend and maintain the supremacy of the Constitution, and to preserve the Union, with all the dignity, equality, and rights of the several States unimpaired, and that as soon as these objects are accomplished the war ought to cease."’

Resolved, That the investigations by Congress and the State Legislatures have disclosed the existence of fearful and unexampled corruption and extravagance; that unless these enormous frauds be checked the whole country must be involved in bankruptcy and dishonor; that we would be faithless to the principles of honesty and economy in the administration of public affairs if we did not expose and denounce these wrongs on the industry of the great masses of the people, and that, in the language of our friends of New Jersey, we solemnly protest against such reckless extravagance and in famous peculation.

Resolved, That we highly approve of, and cheerfully endorse, the truthful arguments against wholesale emancipation presented by President Lincoln, in his interview with the ‘"Chicago delegation"’ in the month of September last, satisfied as we are, in the language of the President himself, ‘"that the measure must be necessarily inoperative"’ and inexpedient, and that ‘"no possible good can result from the issuing of such a proclamation."’

Resolved, That, in the language of the revisers of the statutes of this State, ‘"the writ of habeas corpus is the great bulwark of personal liberty to the citizen;"’ that of in England it points out to the humblest individual in the realm effectual means as well to release himself, though committed by the king in council, as to punish those who unconstitutionally misuse him, then in this republican country it should at least be as effective to protect an American citizen from arrest upon mere suspicion or of disloyal practices, even by the highest officers in the land; that we hold that the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus can only be suspended by act of Congress, and that the question of the power of the President to suspend it must be decided by the Supreme Court--a decision to which both the President and ourselves must yield.

Resolved, That, faithful to our own record, we renew our vows of loyalty to the Union and the Constitution, and stand now, as ever, supporting the strong arm of the Government as the only breakwater between the constitutional rights of the people of the United States and the rising flood of overwhelming force and lawlessness.

Resolved, That in the nomination of Seymour and Wadsworth by the respective parties of the State, the line is distinctly and clearly drawn between those who believe in the Constitution as it is and the Union as it was, and the men who seek to establish in their stead a new Constitution and a new Union.

Resolved, That we recommend to the electors of this State the ticket nominated at Albany, on the ground that its election will tend to check extravagance and corruption in public officers, give new vigor to the prosecution of the war, and assure the people that the Union and the Constitution for which our fathers made sacrifices still live in all their original vigor.

Gov. Seymour, the candidate for Governor, made a speech tallying with the resolutions, in which he announced that, if the Supreme Court approved Lincoln's proclamations, the people would submit to them; if it did not, they would not submit.

John Van Buren (the Prince) addressed the meeting, and read the following letter, addressed to Governor Morgan, of New York, as defining his position:

Caldwell, (Lake George,) Sept. 1, 1862.
Hon. E. D. Morgan:
Dear Sir--the advices of yesterday and to-day, from our forces in Virginia, give, in my judgment, a new aspect to the campaign. For the present we are on the defensive, and our capital seems almost as likely to be taken as that of the enemy. --under such circumstances, I think no loyal man in the Union, who has not imperative obligations in another direction, and whose health will permit, should omit to tender his services to the country. Permit me through you, Sir, to do so, and to inquire whether there is any position in which I might hope to be of the least use. I shall decline all compensation, except to be remunerated for any mereased expenditure to which the Government may put me. I should thus decline for three reasons:

  1. 1. Because I am almost entirely unacquainted with military matters, and can therefore now earn no reward.
  2. 2. My health has been such that my physicians think that unusual excitement may again prostrate me; and
  3. 3. Because if I trust predominant, should hereafter unhappily prevail in the administration of our Government, the war will be prosecuted for objects which are unconstitutional and by means which I look upon as unchristian and infamous.
For the last two reasons I wish, so far as the rules of the service will permit, to reserve a right, to retire whenever I choose. Although by existing laws I am exempt from compulsory service in defence of the Government, those laws may be changed, should the policy of the Government become what I have hinted at in the reason last above mentioned, and I may thus be dragged into the field, even then to be shot by the enemy while fighting or by our own troops if I retire without orders; but no power can ever induce me to serve voluntarily in such a contingency.

With great regard and respect, yours truly.
J. Van Buren.

On the 3d of March President Lincoln, about to be sworn into office, found himself in the city of Washington, having reached it in disguise--(Laughter) --covered with a Scotch cap--(Renewed laughter)--and wrapped with a blue cloth cloak — for the first time in the history of this country the President found himself at the seal of Government.--And it was through the active exertions and great discretion of Gen. Scott and Gen. Wool that he was enabled even to take the oath. And on the 3d day of March, as he was about entering upon these duties, before he took the oath, a letter was addressed to him, which I now propose to read to you, and I ask you to notice (because I have not time to return to it) the wonderful spirit of prophecy and extraordinary judgment, as well as unquestionable patriotism, that animates every word and every line of this letter. I would say, however, that I was not authorized by Gen. Scott to make this letter public. The letter was in form submitted to Secretary Seward, but was laid before the President, and reached him thus in a proper official mode:--

Washington, March 3, 1861.
Dear Sir:
Hoping that in day or two the new President will have happily passed through all personal dangers and find himself installed an honored successor of the great Washington, with you as the chief of his Cabinet, I beg leave to report in writing what I have before said to you orally, this supplement to my printed ‘"views"’ (dated in October last) on the highly disordered condition of our (so late) happy and glorious Union.

To meet the extraordinary exigencies of the times, it seems to me that I am guilty of no arrogance in limiting the President a field of selection to one of the four plans of procedure subjoined:

1. Throw off the old and assume a new designation — the Union party. Adopt the conciliatory measures proposed by Mr. Crittenden or the Peace Convention--[applause] --and, my life upon it, we shall have no new case of secession; but, on the contrary, an early return of many, if not all, of the States which have already broken off from the Union. Without some equally benign measure the remaining slaveholding States will probably join the Montgomery Confederacy is less than sixty days, when this city being included in a foreign country, would require a permanent garrison of at least 35,000 troops to protect the Government within it.

I stop here to call you to the fact that Maryland did not join the Montgomery Confederacy, and yet, with Maryland on our side to-night, it requires a garrison of 150,000 men to protect Washington. [Applause.]

2. Collect the duties on foreign goods outside the ports of which this Government has lost the command, or close such ports by act of Congress and blockade them.

(And this, unhappily, was the course that was entered upon.)

3. Conquer the seceded States by invading armies. No doubt this might be done in two or three years by a young and able General — a Wolfe, a Desaix, or a Hoche, with 300,000 disciplined men — estimating a third for garrisons, and the loss of a yet greater number by skirmishes, sieges, battles, and Southern fevers. The destruction of life and property on the other side would be frightful, however perfect the moral discipline of the invaders.

The conquest completed at that enormous waste of human life to the North and Northwest, with at least $250,000,000 added thereto, and cui bono? Fifteen devastated provinces, not to be brought into harmony with their conquerors, but to be held for generations, by heavy garrisons, at an expense quadruple the net duties or taxes which it would be possible to extort from them, followed by a protector or an emperor.

4. Say to the seceded States--wayward sisters, depart in peace.

In haste, I remain, very truly, yours,
Winfield Scott.

Hon. Wm. H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.

General Scott, on the 3d of March, having put the President in a condition to be sworn in — and being perhaps the only man in the United States who could have done that — notified him that if he entered upon an attempt to conquer the seceded States that, in the first place, he could not do it; that it would require a young general, like a Desaix, a Hoche, or a Wolf; that he who had, not many years before, marched to the capital of Mexico with an army of twelve thousand men, fighting nine pitched battles on the way, meeting no check and conquering an honorable peace, was unable, with three hundred thousand men, to attempt to conquer the seceded States in two to three years. He was informed, that it would require three hundred thousand men, and to-night, when we are only half way through in point of time, we have one million five hundred thousand. He was told that it would add two hundred and fifty millions of dollars to the national debt; and to-day, when we are only a year and one-half through, that debt probably exceeds twelve hundred millions. The Secretary of the Treasury reported it last May, at four hundred and ninety millions--double the amount that it was then feared would be required to complete this conquest. Now, fellow citizens, with their eyes open, so far as they could be opened by his great soldier, this attempt was entered upon to conquer the seceded States.

The Prince proceeded in a long speech to denounce the proclamation of Lincoln, and favor the idea of a Convention, to which the South is to be invited. He also advised his audience to vote at the coming elections, if they had to knock a man down in order to do it. The meeting broke up late at night with a general cheering for everybody.

From M'Clellan's army.

The Baltimore American states that General Averill, whose brigade was stationed at St. James College, has made ‘"an important advance"’ into Virginia.

Federal report of the battle of Corinth.

The report of the battle of Corinth says Rosecrans was recalled from the pursuit of Van Dorn on the 10th, and he reports the Confederate army entirely demoralized and incapable of mischief. The Federal captured 11, guns 2,000 prisoners, including 100 officers. They estimate their loss at only 350.

The rebel programme in Federal hands.

The rebel programme of operations against Louisville and Cincinnati fell into the hands of Gen. Buell some time ago. It was contained in some private papers of General Beauregard to General Cooper and General Bragg. According to this programme the main points of the rebels were, first Louisville and then Cincinnati; and Beauregard states the best way to reach them from Chattanooga, with Buell at Huntsville and Stevenson. It was his opinion a detachment could take Louisville, while the main body would be marching to Cincinnati. He contemplated the construction of a work at the former city for the command of the Ohio river and the Louisville canal, and the destruction of the latter as soon as possible. To keep the command of Cincinnati he would construct a strong work, heavily armed, at Covington. All these measures, however, have been defeated.

New York Market — Gold 130.

The New York Herald, of the 14th, says:

‘ The feature of the day in Wall street yesterday was a sharp rally in stocks, which carried the popular speculative shares up 2@3 per cent. above Saturday's price, and a further advance in gold, which rose to 130, and in hills, which touched 143½. The inquiry for railway stocks in the afternoon was extremely active, and indicated that the part on who sold out last week, were entering the market as buyers. Money was active at about five per cent.; but brokers in good credit got all they wanted. The bank statement shown an increase of $4, 617,891 in loans, $937,499 in specie, and $5,020,493 in deposits.

The movements in the currency continue to exercise a decided influence on most articles of produce, showing a constant tendency to inflation of prices in nearly all articles of trade.


The news from Washington relative to the Indian war gives an intimation that it is ‘ "substantially at an end."’ Correspondence and private advices give quite a different complexion to the affair. The Winnebago Indians have evidently joined the Sioux, and it is highly probable that we shall have more trouble with the Chipped was, notwithstanding the recent treaty. Gen. Pope is arranging, however, to give the Indians ample chastisement for all the barbarities they have committed.

Brigadier-General Ben. Loan has assessed $5,000 on the disloyal inhabitants of Jefferson City, Mo., for substituting the enrolled militia in that place, and for the relief of the destitute families of soldiers in the same.

The men — about fifty in number — who were engaged in the act of resisting the draft in Blackford county, Indiana, are to be arrested and returned to the military camp at Indianapolis, for duty during the war.

Gen. Jim Lane's negro brigade was whipped on the 10th by a company of Missouri militia while attempting to cross from Kansas into Missouri.

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Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (7)
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United States (United States) (4)
Poolesville (Maryland, United States) (3)
Perryville (Kentucky, United States) (3)
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (3)
Chambersburg, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (3)
Perry (Kentucky, United States) (2)
Ohio (United States) (2)
Frederick, Md. (Maryland, United States) (2)
Wheeling, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (1)
Urbana (Virginia, United States) (1)
Steven (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Shippensburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Salmantica (Spain) (1)
New Jersey (New Jersey, United States) (1)
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (1)
Mercersburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
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Juniata (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Iowa (Iowa, United States) (1)
Indianapolis (Indiana, United States) (1)
Indiana (Indiana, United States) (1)
Huntsville (Alabama, United States) (1)
Harrisburg, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Greencastle (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Danville (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Covington (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Concord, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Cashtown (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Cashtown (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Camp Dick Robinson (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Blackford (Indiana, United States) (1)
Bardstown (Kentucky, United States) (1)
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