Extraordinary strategy.
--Gen. John A. Logan, of Illinois, made a war speech recently, in which occurs the following exuberant passage:‘ I am for a vigorous prosecution of this war. To do this we must have men, and thousands of them. If, necessary, I would call out every able-bodied man in the loyal States; turn the Government over to our mothers, wives, and daughters; I would give those who wanted to go an opportunity, and those who did not want to go, I would make an opportunity for them; I would make them fight for the Government; I would stretch the army from the Atlantic to the Rocky Mountains, and with fixed bayonets and in solid phalanx I would give the order, "Forward, march!" to the Gulf of Mexico. Every men I met, who was willing to fight for the Government, I would place a musket in his hands, let him fall into the ranks; and to every one who did not, I would give the order, "Double quick, march!" I would drive every one of them before me, and those who would not submit, when we reached the Southern boundary line, I would pitch head and heels into the Gulf.