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Progress of the epidemic in Wilmington.

The place at Wilmington is increasing in violence. The Jewish citizens of that place now at Charlotte, N. C., have contributed $1,100 to the relief of the sufferers. The Journal, of Monday, says:

‘ The weather today is somewhat cooler. In fact, it is cool enough for comfort, although hot under the sun the thermometer standing at 76 in the shade at 11 ½ A. M. This change with the rain of yesterday rather to have aggravated the disease as the number of new cases reported yesterday exceeded that of any former day by at least any percent. We fear that we shall be called soon to thron a heavy mortality within the next few days.

For days and days the sun has risen in a sky as clear as ever overhung the shores of Italy--"Deeply beautifully blue"--and has poured down with a power and splendor that might used entitle our climate to be called a ‘"sunny"’ . And the evening has settled down mild and dewy, and as peaceful as though war, and famine were unknown. Even the flowers, neglected and run wild, as they too often are in the gardens of deserted houses, are in the fullest bloom, and no leaf falls yet. The trees are green — there is little sign of decay. Today the sun came out without a cloud and bids fair to continue so. The ray is really beautiful, but it is a first beauty or at least it seems go to us, who know that yesterday over sixty persons sickened, and that of those a numerous die. Who knows that now, put of our thinned population, some four must be sick with a fearful epidemic. It before any of us who have seen this through in Wilmington, will take pleasure in the weather, the summer.

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