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Proceedings in the Courts

Mayor's Court.--Saturday the Mayor disposed of the following cases:

James Williams, a soldier, charged with drunkenness, sleeping in the street, and resisting the watchmen, was ordered to be sent to his captain.

John Connore, a soldier, from Louisiana, charged with trespassing on the Columbian Hotel, was sent to Capt. Alexander.

Michael Gallaher, for unlawfully taking $2 from Wm. Walker, and drawing a pistol on Mr. Flinn at the Columbian Hotel, was remanded for examination before the Hustings Court, to-day week.

Meriwether Quarles, charged with stealing $445 from John H. Scribner, was also remanded for examination before the Hustings Court. The accused is a beardless boy, a member of Capt. Robinson's cavalry company. He confessed at the watch-house that he had stolen the money from Scribner's bed. The greater part of the money has been recovered.

Hustings Court.--On Saturday Chas. Jilfs was tried before Judge Lyons, for the larceny of a trunk, convicted, and sent to the penitentiary for five years.

The trial of Jas. Cunan, indicted for unlawful and malicious cutting and wounding Martin Will, was progressing at a late hour.

Chas. Oaks was tried on Friday, for grand larceny, and sent the penitentiary for two years.

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