Two hundred dollars reward.
--Ran away from this city, about six weeks ago, two of my servants, namely:William Payne about 30 years old. He is quite black, about 5 feet high, stout, strong, and fleshy. He was raise in this city, and has worked in a tobacco factory since he was a boy. He has a wife at Mrs. Fannyrver's in the upper end of Hanover county, when he was seen about ten days ago. He is, also, well acquainted in the neighborhood of the Old Church. Major Joseph Street, residing near that place owns some of his wife's relations. He probably travels in market carts between Richmond and Mrs. Carver's and the Old Church. He is fond of trading, and probably visits different camps for that purpose.
Warwick is a Light mulatto, about 20 years old, 5 ½ feet high, is lean, and has straight black hair, and resembles, slightly, the Indian race. He was hired this year to John P. Ballard, at the Exchange Hotel. He has been seen, since he ran away, at Mrs. Carver's and at Major Jos. Street's He may be about some of the camps. A person who knows him well, thinks he saw him in this city some three weeks ago, when he had on a soldier's cap, and appeared to be carrying an officer's baggage.
It is not improbable that both of these negroes may have forged papers.
The above reward will be given for the delivery of the two in this city, or one hundred dollars for the delivery of either.
au 22--deod3tew3t* Lewis Webb.