Runaway in the army.
--My man George ran away the 1st day of February and probably joined our army, as it passed Gordonsville from Manassas to Richmond. He was seen with an artillery company, having pack mules with it, passing from Fairfield into Richmond in May, and is doubtless passing as a free man, and may have changed to other kind of army service, or may be in the city, and most likely as cook or waiter. He is 23 to 25 years old, black, neat, round features, weighs about 160 pounds, 5 feet 8 to 10 inches high, likely, and has a hoarse, confused manner of speech, and has probably changed his name. I will give $100 for his delivery in jail, so that I get him again. S. W. Ficklin.jy 30--6t Charlottesville, Va.