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The Rappahannock lines.

There is no material change in affairs along the lines of the Rappahannock since our last report. Our latest information tends to confirm the impression that a heavy engagement is impending, and must occur in a few days at most. The movements of the contending armies indicate that the blow must soon be struck.

The train yesterday afternoon brought down four prisoners from Gordonsville, captured in the cavalry fight at Orange Court-House on Saturday.--Two of these are members of the 2d Vermont, and the other two of the 5th New York regiments of cavalry. From the statements of these prisoners it would appear that the fight of Saturday was much more severe than previous accounts represent it. They state that seventeen of their men were killed and a number wounded. Lieut. Myers, of the Provost Guard, under whose charge they were brought to this city, informs us that our loss was one killed and eleven wounded.--The prisoners report their force in the fight at about 700, and ours from 300 to 400. Notwithstanding this disparity of numbers, the enemy were driven from the town, and the place was occupied by our men.

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