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The cavalry Exploit in Nicholas county.

The daring attack of Major Bailey, with a small squadron of cavalry, upon the garrison at Summersville, Nicholas county, was made in the morning at daylight, after our troops had traversed a long distance over the most rugged portion of our mountain country, and fully one hundred miles within the enemy's lines. The Federal were taken by surprise, but fought well for about two hours, when they displayed a white flag, laid down their arms, and surrendered unconditionally. Their loss in killed was eight, wounded twenty-five, and prisoners sixty-two. Of Major Balley's command not a man was killed, and only three slightly wounded. Ordnance and commissary stores were found in great abundance, all of which were destroyed except five hundred Enfield rifles, which were placed in wagons and safely brought back to the Salt Sulphur Springs. The notorious Dr. Wm. H. Rucker, who holds a Lieutenant Colonel's commission in the Yankee army, is reported to have committed excesses, such as shooting prisoners in cold blood, burning bridges, &c., that will entitle him to more severe treatment than is usually accorded to prisoners of war. On his arrival at the Salt Sulphur, Gen, Loring had him placed in irons, and then dispatched a messenger to Allegheny county for evidence of his former crimes. His trial was to have taken place last week.

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