Money and stocks — the Markets.
The brokers now pay 100 per cent, premium for gold, and sell at 120. Silver is bought at 80 per cent. premium, and sold at 100. We notice the following sales of stocks since our last report: Confederate States bonds, ($15,000,000 loan,) 101 and interest; do. do. (100,000,000 loan) 100; Virginia State stock, registered, 100; Virginia coupon bonds, 103; North Carolina 6 per cent, bonds, 110@111½; do. do. 8 per cent. bonds, 107½ Richmond City bonds, 111 ½.The produce markets have undergone but little change during the past week. Bacon is selling at 45@50 cents per lb., for hog round. Superfine flour $11, and extra $12 per bbl. Nothing doing in wheat. The General commanding this Department has ordered the following as the maximum prices for the articles named, to go into effect yesterday: Corn $1.40; corn meal $1.50; seed oats 80 cents per bushel; clover, hay and fodder $1.75 per cwt; oats and timothy hay $2 per cwt.; shucks $1.25 per cwt. and straw 90 cts. The farmers in the vicinity of Richmond are much dissatisfied with this order.--All other articles of farm produce — fruit, vegetables, butter, eggs and poultry — still command extraordinary prices and the supply, though large, does, return, the producers have to by fabulous for tea, coffee, sugar and all his of merchant and comparing the efforts of two classes, it that the merchants the advantage of mers, though they plead security in the market excuse for what might otherwise seem the extreme of extortion.