The lines.
After as we could glean, nothing of intellect occurred onto our lines yesterday, and the occasional discharge of fire-arms by at the outposts, caught the presence of two mighty armies within two miles of each other. We what the insertions of our companies may be to consider that the present of in activity cannot last long. Regarding the enemy's position, we have been informed what charged, as to force and indicative of trepidation and for this we cannot vouch, and are that those whose place it to have this been duty advised of all such had any such transpired. We have such entertained with reports of those have penetrated, of late, into the land of lines, but forbear to mention anything we should savor of notice or seem to and comfort to the enemy. We are only on the eve of great historical and for the present willing pens must pleasing that of entertaining told assured that many days cannot stirring events realize expectations preparations constantly progress us.