Sleeping and eating.
--Hall's Journal of Health says: ‘"For persons who eat three times a day, it is ample and sufficient to make the last meal of cold bread and butter, and a cup of warm drink. No one can starve on it, while a perseverance in the habit soon begets a vigorous appetite for breakfast, so promising of a day of comfort." ’If one would always have a sweet mouth and a clean tongue, he can secure them both by simply ceasing to overtax his stomach. This frequent eating is an evil, mischievous habit, ruinous of both health and comfort, and it prevents the individual from receiving the great amount of enjoyment which it was intended he should receive from eating, and which is necessary to perfect nutrition.
Nothing should be eaten between regular meals, whether these meals are taken two or three times a day; nor should one eat that the quantity ingested will induce heaviness or uncomfortable feelings.
The cook tastes the food she prepares, and by this frequent tasting she destroys both the relish for her meals and health. There are many housekeepers who have the same pernicious habit.